Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Derbyniwyd 05/05/2024
Gan Heneb:Gwynedd Archaeology


On 1st April 2024, the four Welsh Archaeological Trusts merged to form a single organisation, called Heneb. The planning advice section of Heneb:Gwynedd Archaeology (formerly Gwynedd Archaeological Planning Service) has been invited as a statutory consultee to register as an interested party for the above application (letter received by post from EnBW 8th April 2024). We were involved in early stage consultations in our capacity as archaeological advisor to the local planning authorities of north-west Wales (Gwynedd, Isle of Anglesey, Eryri National Park Authority, and the western part of Conwy). At that stage, all terrestrial and intertidal works fell outside our geographical area. As of 1st April 2024, Heneb:Gwynedd Archaeology has acquired curatorial responsibility for the whole of Conwy county. As such, the landfall site and cable connections now fall within our remit. We would therefore request to be added to the Archaeology and Heritage Engagement Forum (AHEF) – Onshore so that we are included in relevant future discussions and correspondence. The archaeological planning advisor at Heneb:Clwyd-Powys Archaeology who has been advising on this scheme has been on extended sick leave since 1st March 2024. Consequently we have not had the opportunity to discuss this scheme and coupled with the above recent changes, have had limited time to review scheme documents independently. We note however that regular detailed discussions have been held about the approach to onshore archaeology and that consultees have been satisfied with the approach taken to date. We do not presently feel in a position to be able to provide informed comments on the scheme or the submitted documents and would request the opportunity to submit a detailed representation when we have reviewed the submitted information. We anticipate that we will be providing comments on the following points, insofar as they relate to works and historic assets within Conwy county (and, whilst the Heneb:Clwyd-Powys Archaeology advisor is absent, within Denbighshire) landward of mean low water springs (MLWS): -the scope and adequacy of archaeological assessment and evaluation -the assessment of impacts presented in the Environmental Statement -the suitability of proposed further investigation, mitigation and/or enhancement measures, including the draft Outline Onshore Written Scheme of Investigations -the suggested wording for proposed conditions or other means of securing such works -the content of the OLEMP, OCoCP and other scheme documents as they pertain to archaeology We note that it was not possible to undertake the majority of the agreed trial trenching programme in autumn 2023, with the intention that this would be resumed early in 2024, with results to be submitted during the Examination period if available. We would be grateful for an update on this programme. If it would be helpful, we would welcome a meeting with the project team to bring us up to speed on progress to date and proposed forward strategy.