Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Derbyniwyd 18/04/2024
Gan Northern Ireland Fishermen's Federation


Since 2017 I have managed fishing gear technology projects on behalf of both NI fish producer organisations. I work with members of both POs who operate out of the 3 main commercial fishing harbours situated on the County Down coast, Portavogie, Ardglass & Kilkeel. As a fisheries scientist employed by the NI fishing industry I provide managers and operators with technical and scientific support on a range of relevant matters. My representation as part of this process will cover the provision of information on fishing activities relevant to the development in addition to scientific input on the implications of the Mona offshore windfarm site in relation to commercial species, habitats and general fishing operations.