Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Derbyniwyd 09/04/2024
Gan Linda Griffiths


To date I have not had opportunity to study the many volumes of documents associated with the Mona project. However I am personally mentioned (name and address) on pages 347 and 469 of the 649 page document D4/FO2 The Book of Reference April 2024. I therefore wish to register as an Interested Party Linda Griffiths