Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay
Update provided on submission of application
Cyngor a roddwyd
The Applicant informed the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) by email on 15 January 2014 that a small area of land over a high pressure gas pipeline was due to be removed from the application boundary.
The Applicant clarified via email on 3 February 2014 that they intend to identify on their Land Plans the area of land which will be omitted from the Development Consent Order (DCO) application, but do not intend to update the red line boundary of the remaining application documents, including the Environmental Statement (ES).
PINS advises that that the ES should include a clear statement, accompanied by a plan of the omitted land, which explains the differences between plans within the ES and the relevant Land Plan. This statement should also clarify how the change to the site boundary affects the assessment of impacts presented within ES.