Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay

Enquiry received via email

Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay

South West Evening Post - Richard Youle


Mr Youle requested clarification on matters currently under consultation as part of the Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay application. The query related to the potential changes set out in the applicant's ?Paper of alternative DCO drafting? and the implications of such changes.

Cyngor a roddwyd

The applicant has put forward, in the paper entitled ?Paper of alternative DCO drafting?, options for a reduction to the onshore and offshore buildings and removal of the boating facilities. The Examining Authority, in a procedural decision issued on 31 October 2014, requested the applicant to undertake external consultation outside of the examination.
There are ongoing discussions between Local Authorities and the applicant in relation to the content of a development consent obligation.
Applicants are not bound to deliver all development consented under a development consent order. This is common to all planning permissions.
Should a development consent order be granted with the options that are currently being consulted upon being present, there is no requirement for the applicant to pursue further development under any other regime unless this can be secured through a development consent obligation. It should be noted that the applicant?s preference is for the development consent order to consent that which was originally applied for.
The Planning Act 2008 sets out the legislation within which Examining Authorities are to examine applications for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. Examining Authorities are unable to consent associated development in Wales, however applicants are able to include, within their development consent orders, principal and ancillary development. Any associated development would require a separate planning application, made to the relevant body. This matter has been discussed throughout the examination and has led to the recent consultation.