Fferm Wynt Coedwig Clocaenog

Enquiry received via post

Fferm Wynt Coedwig Clocaenog

Bryan Wilcox


Would you please advise me as to what would be the appropiate time to be involved in the planning process and who informs me of the correct time to contact you with issues and concerns I may have regarding the project.

Cyngor a roddwyd

The proposed Clocaenog Forest Wind Farm project is currently in the Acceptance stage following the developer, RWE npower renewables, submitting an application for a Development Consent Order on 28 March 2013. The Planning Inspectorate has untill 25 April 2013 to decide whether or not to accept the application and allow the project to progress to Examination.
If the application is accepted, the developer is statutorily required to serve notice that the application has been accepted by the Planning Inspectorate in a publicly accessible place along with publishing the notice in the local newpaper(s). This notice will also include information advising the public when and how they can register as an ?Interested Party?. The Registration period, which will run for a minimum of 28 days, is the correct time for members of the public to register as an Interested Party and to outline any issues or concerns they may have regarding the scheme in their ?Relevant Representation?. Please note that only Relevant Representations submitted on the prescribed form will be accepted during this period.
Once the Registration period opens a paper copy of the Registration form can be requested from the Planning Inspectorate?s customer service number. Alternatively, if you have access to the internet, an electronic version of the form will be available to complete online -
attachment 1.
The Clocaenog project page is regularly updated and will advise you when the Registration period formally opens as well giving you access to a complete set of the application documents and associated correspondence.
Once you have submitted a completed Registration form and Relevant Representation you will then become an Interested Party for the whole application process. As an Interested Party, you will receive constant updates regarding the application and will be invited to submit a ?Written Representation? in which you can expand, with evidence, any issues mentioned in your Relevant Representation. You will also be invited to any hearings or meetings held during the Examination.

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