Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.
Cysylltiad Gogledd Cymru
Gan Councillor Carwyn Elias Jones
I write this relevant representation on the North Wales Connection Project. I am of the opinion that the connection from Wylfa to the mainland should be fully undergrounded as opposed to being transmitted on overhead cables. This technology was used to transport the electricity from the original Wylfa Power Station with construction in the 60’s and operational in the 70’s. We can put people on the moon, robots on Mars, and turn to technology to disrupt almost every single industry, construct the most complex major tunnelling works all around the world, and protect National parks, yet again on an Island of Outstanding Natural Beauty turn to outdated pylons. It baffles me as to why in 2018 it is still pylons and overhead cables which is being proposed, I believe this method is no longer acceptable due to my reasoning below.
I am of the opinion that the Planning Act 2008, together with its secondary legislation and guidance including National Policy Statements, is out of date and not fit for purpose in Wales, as the Act does not take account of current Welsh legislation including the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 nor the Active Travel Wales Act 2013.
I also believe that in respect of overhead transmission lines, the Holford Rules of 1959 and amended in the 1990’s along with the Horlock Rules are also considered to be significantly out of date and not compatible with current Welsh legislation.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 provides a clear definition of sustainable development and the North Wales Connection Project must be constructed in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Undergrounding would mean more short term upheaval, however would place future generations in a much better place under each heading and requirement of the Act as per below.
A prosperous Wales
A resilient Wales
A healthier Wales
A more equal Wales
A Wales of cohesive communities
A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
A globally responsible Wales
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Carwyn Elias Jones