Cysylltiad Gogledd Cymru

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Cysylltiad Gogledd Cymru

Derbyniwyd 21/11/2018
Gan E. Gilford


There are many reasons why Pylons are not appropriate on the island of Anglesey:-

they will ruin the beautiful landscape

Deter tourist, who are a valuable source of income

Deprive farmers of valuable acreage

Depress house prices

Create a dangerous environment- full of health risks

It against the wishes of the residents and therefore undemocratic

Better less invasive technology is available