Cysylltiad Gogledd Cymru

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Cysylltiad Gogledd Cymru

Derbyniwyd 19/11/2018
Gan Cyngor Gwynedd


Safbwynt Cyngor Gwynedd (CG) yw y dylai'r twnnel gael ei ymestyn yr holl ffordd i Bentir gan osgoi'r angen am beilonau ychwanegol yng Ngwynedd. Er gwaetha'r safbwynt hwn, mae CG yn cytuno gydag Opsiwn 3 fel Opsiwn Strategol a ffefrir gan NG.

Bydd y prif bwyntiau y mae CG yn bwriadu eu cyflwyno yn ymwneud â'r penawdau sydd wedi'u nodi isod. Ymhellach, ar hyn o bryd nid yw'r holl faterion wedi'u cytuno drwy Ddatganiad o Dir Cyffredin (SoCG) (y mae trafodaeth yn ei gylch yn parhau) ac mae hi'n amlwg hefyd bod angen sicrhau arian er mwyn hwyluso ymgysylltu, sicrhau monitro a chydymffurfio drwy gydol cyfnod gweithredu'r datblygiad.

Tirwedd a Gweledol
Yn nhermau Effeithiau Tirwedd a Gweledol bydd yn hanfodol sicrhau dyluniad priodol, dulliau lliniaru a gwella yn cynnwys y mecanwaith i ariannu a'r angen i sicrhau gweithredu a chynnal a chadw cynlluniau o'r fath.

Ansawdd aer, s?n a niwsans
Mae CG yn ystyried ei bod hi'n hanfodol bod y wybodaeth angenrheidiol ar gael i'w hasesu a bod mesurau lliniaru a/neu rheoli yn eu lle i ymdrin ag unrhyw effeithiau o'r fath.

Traffig a thrafnidiaeth
Mae CG angen dealltwriaeth ac eglurhad digonol o'r cynigion yn nhermau yr holl agweddau/mathau o draffig a thrafnidiaeth a'r cynigion lliniaru dilynol.

Deunyddiau a gwastraff
Mae CG yn annog defnydd effeithlon a phriodol o agregau crai gan uchafu'r potensial i ailddefnyddio agregau eilaidd ac wedi'u hailgylchu yn unol ag arfer dda. Mae CG angen hyder y gellir lliniaru unrhyw effeithiau cysylltiedig neu gronnus a bod mecanwaith yn ei le i fonitro ac adolygu cydymffurfiaeth.

Yr amgylchedd hanesyddol
Effeithiau Compownd Adeiladu Ty Fodol a'r OHL i Bentir sy'n parhau'n feysydd o brif bryder. Mae'r effeithiau ar leoliad asedau hanesyddol (sy'n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu a gweithredu) ac o dan y ddaear (effeithiau uniongyrchol sy'n gysylltiedig yn bennaf ag adeiladu) hefyd yn bryder. Hefyd, mae effeithiau ehangach ar y dirwedd yn debygol o gael effaith ar yr amgylchedd hanesyddol. Mae angen adnoddau digonol ar gyfer monitro.

Yr amgylchedd naturiol a bioamrywiaeth
Mae CG yn dymuno ymgysylltu ymhellach yng nghyswllt pa mor ddigonol yw'r Strategaeth Lliniaru a'r Strategaeth Gwella a ph'un a oes unrhyw faterion amlwg y mae angen eu hegluro a mynd i'r afael â nhw. Hefyd, bydd CG angen hyder yng nghyflawni mesurau lliniaru a gwella.

Effeithiau Lleol
Bydd gan y pwyntiau y sonnir amdanynt uchod effeithiau lleol ac ehangach ac mae CG angen sicrwydd y gellir rheoli/lliniaru'r rhain yn ddigonol neu eu gwneud yn dderbyniol.

Y farchnad lafur a'r economi
Dymuna CG weld yr ardaloedd a ganlyn yn cael eu datblygu ymhellach: effaith ar dwristiaeth, cyflogaeth a sgiliau; cyfleoedd a materion cadwyn cyflenwi; monitro, rheoli a lliniaru defnydd o lety; ac eglurder ar effeithiau uniongyrchol, anuniongyrchol a chymhellol. Dylai'r buddion posib gael eu huchafu a'r effeithiau negyddol eu hisafu.

Effeithiau Cronnus
Ystyria CG fod angen trafodaeth bellach yng nghyswllt effeithiau cronnus o fewn y prosiect megis rhwng yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol a Thirwedd/Gweledol ac effeithiau cronnus rhwng y prosiect megis y rheini sy'n codi o ddatblygiad Horizon Nuclear Power a'r Drydedd Bont bosib dros y Fenai a rhaglen yr A55. Mae'n hanfodol hefyd asesu a rhoi sylw i effeithiau ar yr iaith Gymraeg a'r diwylliant Cymreig ac ystyried effeithiau cronnus posib eraill.

The stated position of Gwynedd Council (GC) is that the tunnel should be extended all the way to Pentir thereby eliminating the need for additional pylons in Gwynedd. Notwithstanding this stance GC agree with Option 3 as NG’s preferred Strategic Option.
The main points that GC intend to present will relate to the headings set out below. Furthermore, at present not all matters have been agreed through a SoCG (for which discussions are ongoing) and it is also evident that funding needs to be secured in order to facilitate engagement, ensure monitoring and compliance throughout implementation of the development.

Landscape and Visual
In terms of Landscape and Visual Impacts it will be essential to ensure appropriate design, methods of mitigation and enhancement including the mechanism for funding and requirement for ensuring implementation and maintenance of such schemes.

Air quality, noise and nuisance
GC consider it essential that the required information is available for assessment and that appropriate mitigation and/or control measures are in place to deal with any such impacts.

Traffic and transport
GC require adequate understanding and clarification of the proposals in terms of all aspects/types of traffic and transport and subsequent mitigation proposals.

Materials and waste
GC encourages the efficient and appropriate use of primary aggregates while maximising the potential to re-use recycled and secondary aggregates in accordance with best practice. GC require confidence that any associated or cumulative impacts can be mitigated and that a mechanism is in place to monitor and review compliance.

Historic environment
The impacts of the Ty Fodol Construction Compound and the OHL to Pentir remain the areas of principal concern. Also of concern are both impacts on the setting of historic assets (associated with construction and operation) and below ground (direct impacts mostly associated with construction). Also wider landscape impacts are likely to have a historic environment impact. Adequate resourcing required for monitoring.

Natural environment and biodiversity
GC wishes to engage further with regard to the adequacy of the Mitigation Strategy and the Enhancement Strategy and whether there are any matters outstanding that need to be clarified and addressed. GC will also require confidence in the delivery of mitigation and enhancement.

Local Impacts
The aforementioned points will have local and wider impacts and GC requires certainty that these can be adequately controlled/mitigated or made acceptable.

Labour market and economy
GC wishes to see the following areas developed further: impact on tourism; employment and skills; supply chain opportunities and issues; accommodation take-up monitoring, management and mitigation; and clarity on direct, indirect and induced effects. Potential benefits should be maximised and negative effect minimised.

Cumulative Impacts
GC consider that further discussion is required with regard to both intra-project cumulative effects such as between the Historic Environment and Landscape/Visual and inter-project cumulative effects such as those arising from the Horizon Nuclear Power development and the potential Third Crossing of the Menai and A55 programme. It’s also vital to assess and address effects on the Welsh language and culture and consider other potential cumulative effects.