Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.
Cysylltiad Gogledd Cymru
Gan Toeni Jones
Thank you for your time in reading this
The idea of further pylons across Anglesey concerns me for a number of reasons :
1. Health - On reviewing scientific research data “ Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields are classified by the International Authority on Research in Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on limited evidence for childhood leukaemia at relatively high exposure levels “. [redacted]
2.Tourism -the visual impact of the pylons are going to detract from the natural beauty of the island , risking a drop in the number of visitors with a potential knock on to the economy .some data from Anglesey council - has shown “ accomodation & food services “ to be the 4 th highest employment sector on the island , these numbers have been demonstrated to be dropping from 2011-2012 . However , Anglesey was shown to have the highest number of small businesses employing 1-4 employees in North Wales , but the lowest in higher figures . In order to sustain and grow the economy , conditions need to prevail to support new businesses , to attract a dynamic , possible younger work force , here , which in turn , will have a more positive knock on to the islands economy . ( “a data analysis of the Island -Anglesey County Council ). [redacted]
Tourism info - more : “ over period 2014-2016 north wales received an average of 3,626,000 domestic GB trips per year - these trips have been calculated to make £ 639million to the Welsh economy.
Similarly , North Wales received 247,000 international visitors , contributing £88 million to the Welsh economy.
Anglesey has been shown to be - the 3rd highest internationally visited in North Wales - a number of 48,000 international visitors ,
The natural beauty of the island , beaches , farm holidays must be the major attraction .
3 . Well being of Anglesey population , particularly those who live in proximity to the pylons . The knock on to the visual impact on the environment and community around rthese areas . There is a very strong , historical community feeling in the smaller , more rural villages on the island. The villages have already had closure of some schools , with a longer term knock on change in population statistics , less community activity , lowering of well being for some people - potential health problems secondary to this . We need public bodies to be more ambitious , aware , adventurous and resourceful to promote the Well Being for future generations .
4 . Preservation of Welsh culture and Language .. by a worrying knock on the islands natural beauty , tourism , employment prospects , the effect on community activity , employment opportunities , a flux of younger population from the island is occurring to areas with brighter opportunities , the long term preservation of skills , culture , language are rapidly diminishing , sadly . Again , to mention the Well-being of Future Generations Act , that bodies need to be putting long term sustainability at fore front of their thinking . Organisations would be ideally collababorating and working well together with a common goal . Cohesive communities , a vibrant feeling of preservation of the Welsh culture and language are 2 of those Well being goals
5 Alternative technology. There are numbers of increasingly educated , trained engineers , and other professionally trained work force to bring this about . surely this should be embraced . This is the 21 st century . Why use such an archaic , aged method to deliver power transport . Why not let this be an opportunity for a more pioneering , project - an underground , under water tunnel transmission . Long term gain for many people
Just to mention , hopefully not a risk with larger power lines but -
6 Electrocution. Risk -storm conditions caused A fallen power line into a waterlogged field on a farm adjacent to us caused significant loss of livestock , 2 months ago luckily no loss of human life . ”