Mynydd y Gwynt Wind Farm

Enquiry received via email

Mynydd y Gwynt Wind Farm

Peter Foulkes


do you know yet if Mr. Asquith has timetabled any other Issue Specific Hearing sessions in addition to the DCO Hearing? The reason I ask is I would like to raise further points to do with landscape and would hope to do this during a 'Landscape Hearing'. If there is to be no such hearing could I raise these concerns at the Open Floor Hearing?

Cyngor a roddwyd

Currently, the Examining Authority (ExA) has only scheduled one Issue Specific Hearing (ISH) on the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO). However, the deadline of 18 February 2015 in the Examination timetable includes ?Confirmation by the ExA of date, time and place for further Issue Specific Hearings, if any are required? to coincide with time reserved in week commencing 16 March 2015 for further Issue Specific Hearings and Accompanied Site Inspections. If there are to be further ISHs held then you will be notified by this deadline.
Therefore, it may be prudent to include the points regarding landscape in your oral submission at the Open Floor Hearing, scheduled for 4 February 2015, to ensure they are included in the examination.