Fferm Wynt Coedwig Clocaenog

Enquiry received via email

Fferm Wynt Coedwig Clocaenog

Ian Sims


Response to an interested party submitting an additional submission after the Relevant Representation period closed on 12 June 2013

Cyngor a roddwyd

The registration period closed on 12 June 2013 and we are therefore unable to accept your additional submission. The project is currently in the 'pre-examination' stage but once it moves into Examination, you will have the opportunity to submit this representation as your Written Representation.
As an Interested Party, you will receive a procedural decision known as the 'Rule 4 and 6' letter inviting you to attend the Preliminary Meeting, confirming the appointment of the Examining Authority (ExA) and the ExA's initial assessment of principal issues. A copy of the ExA's draft timetable will be included as an appendix which will advise you when the Written Representations period is. I suggest this is the appropriate time for re-submitting your representation.
For further information regarding the Examination period, please view the following external guidance supplied by the Planning Inspectorate: Advice note 8.5: Participating in the examination.
We will keep your email on file but at this stage it will not be considered by the ExA.