Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Derbyniwyd 11/04/2024
Gan Health and Safety Executive


CEMHD5 Contribution to Consultation Will the proposed development fall within any of HSE’s consultation distances? With reference to the Redlined (Mona Onshore Order Limits MO_PRJ_BP_0162_Rev11) areas shown on drawings Location Plan(s) – Onshore Plan Sheets 0 – 11 (inclusive) found in document [MONA OFFSHORE WIND PROJECT, Location Plan, Document Number: MOCNS-J3303-RPS-10008, Document Reference: B1, APFP Regulations: 5(2)(i), February 2024, F01], there are a number of Major Accident Hazard Pipeline(s) and Major Hazard Installation(s): Major Accident Hazard Pipeline(s) Brookes Farm / Llanelian Road (HN009 Part 2a) [HSE Ref: 4130012, Ref: Transco 1895] - Wales and West Utilities Bodfari / Rhosgoch (VN082) [HSE Ref: 7610, Transco Ref: 1862] - Wales and West Utilities Pilkingtons Branch (HN017) [HSE Ref: 7646, Transco Ref: 1897] - Wales and West Utilities Major Hazard Installation(s) Glascoed Road, St Asaph, North Wales, LL17 0LL [HSE ref: H3668] There is currently insufficient information available for HSE to provide its’ public safety Land Use Planning Advice**. However, by way of general guidance, HSE would not advise against the proposed development providing no population(s), either temporary or permanent, is introduced within any of HSE’s public safety zones. ** HSE’s Land Use Planning Methodology [https://www.hse.gov.uk/landuseplanning/methodology.htm] Should a new Major Accident Hazard Pipeline be introduced, or existing Pipeline modified prior to the determination of the present application, the HSE reserves the right to revise its advice. If prior to the determination of the present application, a Hazardous Substances Consent be granted for a new Major Hazard Installation or a Hazardous Substances Consent is varied for an existing Major Hazard Installation in the vicinity of the proposed project, the HSE reserves the right to revise its advice. Would Hazardous Substances Consent be needed? The presence of hazardous substances on, over or under land at or above set threshold quantities (Controlled Quantities) may require Hazardous Substances Consent (HSC) under the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 as amended. The substances, alone or when aggregated with others, for which HSC is required, and the associated Controlled Quantities, are set out in The Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015. Hazardous Substances Consent would be required if the site is intending to store or use any of the Named Hazardous Substances or Categories of Substances and Preparations at or above the controlled quantities set out in schedule 1 of these Regulations. Further information on HSC should be sought from the relevant Hazardous Substances Authority.