Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Nid safbwyntiau’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio yw’r rhai a fynegir ar y dudalen hon. Yr hyn a ddangosir yma yw cynnwys a gyflwynwyd i’r Arolygiaeth Gynllunio gan y cyhoedd a phartïon eraill â buddiant, sy’n rhoi eu barn ynglŷn â’r cynnig hwn.

Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Mona

Derbyniwyd 29/03/2024
Gan Tan-y-Mynydd Trout Fishery Limited


The planned route for the underground onshore cables to the St Asaph substation is proposed to pass to the South of the fishery. The proposed route will cross the line of a natural spring and associated brook from which water is taken to supply the 5 lakes on the trout fishery. It is vital that the construction works to excavate the cable tenches and the subsequent infilled trenches do NOT interfere with the natural course of the water coming off Moelfre mountain that we rely upon for our supplies to the lakes. In the event that the line and or extent of water flowing down this water course is affected temporarily or worse still permanently that the viability and even existence of the trout fishery will be negatively impacted. We therefore request that suitable monitoring regimes (before work, during construction and long term post installation) be required of the project. In the event that the water course is negatively impacted by th project we require an assurance that suitable compensation arrangements (entirely at the cost of the project) will be put in place to make good any negative revenue and/or asset value implications.