Brechfa Forest Connection

Enquiry received via email

Brechfa Forest Connection

Lara Flynn Osborne Clarke


Response to the points raised within the Planning Inspectorate's s51 advice dated 18 May 2015.

Cyngor a roddwyd

We note that the draft DCO includes the power to remove existing lines and that you consider any new diversion by the laying of new lines is permitted development. We advise you to explain how you are categorising such works as permitted development, including how these have been considered in terms of potential cumulative effects in the EIA. In addition, as discussed at our meeting on 4 March 2015 please can you confirm if all of the works included within the draft DCO (for example the removal of existing lines) have been subject to pre-application consultation.
Regarding works (i) to (xiii) in works numbers 1, 2, and 3 we again draw your attention to Advice Note 15 paragraph 20.1 and advise you to thoroughly explain your approach within the EM, for example we would expect justification be provided as to why certain effects are considered ?insignificant?.
Please be aware of section 150 of the Planning Act 2008 where the inclusion of certain consents within a DCO requires the authorisation of the consenting body.
Currently there is no contents section at the start of the draft DCO.
Please can you explain in your EM what works are to be undertaken regarding ?re-siting of apparatus?.
Regarding Work Number 2 undergrounding, the wording does not refer to horizontal directional drilling but requirement 6 does. Is there a reason for this? You may also wish to include horizontal directional drilling in ?interpretation?.
Article 31 -is there a reason for the square brackets?