Brechfa Forest Connection

Enquiry received via email

Brechfa Forest Connection

Osborne Clarke - Lara Flynn


Request to discuss requirements of Examining Authority's Procedural Decision.

Cyngor a roddwyd

The Examining Authority has issued a clear procedural decision requesting information. If the applicant feels that it is unable or unreasonable to provide this information then it should explain why in their submission. Over the course of the examination it may be possible to persuade the ExA that such information is unnecessary, or the ExA may consider that they are unable to recommend consent without it. I don?t feel that I would be able to provide any further assistance other than to reiterate the ExA?s original request.
The matters sourced from the s55 checklist largely relate to consultation. I note that the applicant has now notified in accordance with s56 of PA2008, so any uncertainty over the completeness of consultation is now subject to the procedures set out in s58. The Planning Inspectorate will invite parties to the Preliminary Meeting in accordance with legislation and our published advice notes.