Mid Wales Electricity Connection (N Grid)
I would like to voice my opposition to the above project based on:
-its damage to tourism in the area;
-its damage to the ancient site of Plas yn Dinas;
-its damage to the legacy of countryside for future generations.
I cannot see on your website how I become involved in the process so would be grateful for any assistance you can offer.
Cyngor a roddwyd
As you may be aware, the National Grid Mid Wales proposal is currently at the pre-application stage of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) process; therefore an application has not yet been formally submitted
National Grid is currently undertaking consultation on this proposal and will undertake their pre-application statutory consultation under section 42 in due course, prior to the application being submitted.
For more information about the timing of National Grid?s consultation you may wish to contact National Grid directly, through their website on this link: www.nationalgrid.com/uk/Electricity/MajorProjects/midwalesconnection
At this point any responses to consultation on this proposal should go to National Grid and not the Planning Inspectorate to allow National Grid to take account of any points you wish to raise prior to finalising their proposal. I have attached Advice Note 8.2 (below) for your guide to getting involved in pre-application consultation.
Prior to submission of the application, National Grid will publicise how they intend to consult on the preliminary environmental information for this proposal. Once National Grid is ready to submit an application for development consent they will submit an Environmental Statement as part of their application.
I have also attached the Planning Inspectorate Advice Notes 8.2, 8.4 and 8.5 (below) which explain how you can get involved if the application is accepted for examination once submitted.
You may also, for background, wish to view the National Policy Statements for Overarching Energy (EN-1) and Electricity Networks (EN 5 produced by the Department for Energy and Climate Change. National Policy Statements are government policies which are the primary policy consideration for decision makers when dealing with nationally significant infrastructure projects. The above National Policy Statements are available on the Department for Energy and Climate Change website.