Mid Wales Electricity Connection (N Grid)

Enquiry received via phone

Mid Wales Electricity Connection (N Grid)

on behalf of a parish council - McSporran


When can we submit a relevant representation?
What is a SoCC?

Cyngor a roddwyd

The period for submitting relevant representations has not yet opened. Only once an application has been submitted and accepted to go forward to examination will members of the public and organisations be able to register as an interested party. It was mentioned that Parish Councils relevant to the project are statutory consultees who will be notified by the applicant if the application is accepted by the IPC.
A developer must prepare a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC), setting out their methodology for consulting with the local community. The developer has a duty to consult with the local authority in which the proposal is situated about the content of the SoCC before publishing the SoCC in a local newspaper.