Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
How and until when can a relevant representation be made on this application and what happens afterwards?
Cyngor a roddwyd
The period to register with the IPC and make a representation on the Brechfa Forest West Wind
Farm application opened on 7 December 2011 and will close on 18 January 2012. Any individual or organisation who registers and makes a valid representation to the IPC will become an interested party for the purposes of this application. This will give you the opportunity to take part in the examination process. Interested parties also receive correspondence from the IPC at key stages in the process and notification of the decision. In order to register with the IPC you need to complete the ?registration and relevant representation? form, which can be found at the Brechfa Wind Farm page of the IPC?s website:
At this stage it would a summary of what you agree or disagree with on the application is sufficient and will be very helpful to the Examining authority for its initial assessment of issues which it needs to publish within 21 days of the close of the relevant representation period.