Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via phone

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Carmarthenshire Tourist Associat - George Reed


Mr Reed inquired whether the Carmarthenshire Tourist Assocation (CTA) could make representations at the Open floor hearing for the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm and how they should go about this.

Cyngor a roddwyd

As the Carmarthenshire Tourist Association (CTA) is registered as an Interested Party for the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm application the CTA is entitled to speak at an Open floor hearing of which there are likely to be two: one at Brechfa Village Hall in the morning of the 11 July and one near Pencader in the afternoon of the 11 July 2012. A letter to confirm the issues on which hearings are being held as well as date, time and place of all hearings, including the open-floor hearings will be issued on Monday 28 May to all interested parties including the CTA.
If they wish to speak at any of the hearings they are requested to send us a summary of what they're proposing to raise in advance of the hearing by the deadline which will be communicated in the letter of 28 May 2012. The deadline is likely to be set for the 8 June 2012.