Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via email

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

RWE Npower Renewables - Bethan Thomas


Further to our receipt of the Reg 9 list, I wanted to make you aware that DPTAC have written back to me in response to the S42 consultation letter that I sent them. They have stated that they are not able to provide views on these types of documents and have requested that DPTAC is removed from our list and database. Have you received a similar letter?
As they are included on the Reg 9 list I don't feel I am able to remove them from my database so until I hear otherwise from the IPC, I will unfortunately have to continue bothering them with correspondence that they do not wish to receive.

Cyngor a roddwyd

If a statutory consultee writes to you in response to your s.42 consultation letter asking to be taken off your consultation list, and you decide to omit them from any further rounds of pre-application consultation that you may undertake, you should explain clearly why they have been omitted in your consultation report. If however the further rounds of consultation relate to changes to the project they should be included.
As statutory consultees, they will, however, still need to be notified under s.56 in accordance with the requirements of the Act, if and when the application has been accepted.