Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via phone

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

DIO at MOD - Jon Wilson


What are the opportunities for further written comments on this application ? If relevant new information emerges after the relevant deadline in the examination timetable, is there a mechanism for this still to be considered during the examination?

Cyngor a roddwyd

The deadline for comments on written representations passed on the 25 May 2012. Further opportunities for submitting representations to the Examining Authority (ExA) are set out in the examination timetable, a revision of which was issued on 1 June 2012. This includes several issue specific and open floor hearings and corresponding deadlines for the submission of summaries of interested parties' case put at one or more of these hearings. It is also possible for an interested party to submit a written representation to a relevant hearing if it is unable to attend that hearing.
The final opportunity for written comments in the examination timetable as it stands are the comments on the Examining Authority's draft DCO which is due to be issued on 26 July 2012.
If any new information is submitted after the relevant deadline has passed it is at the discretion of the Examining Authority whether or not to accept it.
Once the deadline for responding to the last step has passed (ie 9 August) the Examining Authority will consider whether he has all information necessary. If not he can issue a revised timetable asking further questions or requesting further information to be submitted. If he has all information he can close the examination. Once the examination is closed no further information can be submitted by Interested Parties. The latest date by which the Brechfa Forest West examination must close is the 14th September.