Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via email

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Jennifer Harrison


Email dated 05 July 2012
We have today received a copy of a letter sent to Richard Jones of CCC dated 15th November 2011 with a slightly larger map.This confirms our concerns regarding the proposed removal of our boundary hedge. Please can you forward to us how your investigations into this matter are progressing.
Email dated 10 July 2012
After further investigation it appears that the letter sent to Richard
Jones of CCC dated 15th November 2011 with a plan differs from the copy sent to
me.The slightly larger map which was sent to me has our hedgerow
removal on it, however the original with the letter did not. I am unsure if it was posted to me by the applicant or your department. I understand this is being investigated and I would be gratefull of an update.

Cyngor a roddwyd

I confirm receipt of your emails of 5 and 10 July 2012.
As you know you have requested clarification with regards to the plans showing the hedgerows at the Open-floor hearing at Brechfa on 11 July (and also re-iterated at the Issue-specific hearing on the DCO). The applicant has acknowledged that what they have so far submitted is not entirely accurate. RWE have undertaken to provide the correct plans by the 19 July 2012.
You have also requested an update on how the Examining Authority's investigations into this matter are progressing. Details of the examination timetable have been published (see his letter of 18 June on our web site) and as an interested party you will be notified if there are any changes to the timetable. Once the examination is closed the Examining Inspector will make his recommendation to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State then has 3 months to decide whether or not to grant development consent for the proposed application. Once the Secretary of State has made his decision this will be published alongside the Examining Authority's report.