Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
Ms Gardiner wrote on behalf of the Cambrian Mountain Initiative to raise its members concerns regarding the perceived ineffectiveness of the developer's pre-application community consultation associated with the application for developmet consent for the proposed Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm.
Cyngor a roddwyd
On 4 November 2011 the above application was received by the IPC which had 28 days to determine whether or not the application would be accepted for examination.
On 30 November 2011 the IPC made its decision that the provisions set out in s.55(3)(a) ? (e) of the Planning Act 2008 had been satisfied by the developer, and therefore accepted the application for examination.
When making this decision the IPC considered, amongst other matters, comments from the relevant local authorities regarding the adequacy of the pre-application consultation and publicity undertaken by the developer. The ?Section 55 Acceptance of Applications Checklist? for this application has been published to the IPC website and is available to view here: attachment 1
In light of the acceptance of the application for examination, the public will shortly be invited to register as an interested party in this application by completing the ?Registration and Relevant Representation form? and returning it to the IPC before the registration deadline. The period within which the public can register with the IPC and make a representation on the application opens on 7 December 2011 and closes on 18 January 2012. More detailed representations will then be invited from interested parties during the examination stage.