Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
The caller sought an explanation of the ExA's letter sent on 10 May 2012 and whether there are any specific steps she has to take in response to it.
Cyngor a roddwyd
The Planning Inspectorate explained that the letter contains the revised examination timetable which the Examining Authority has issued to all interested parties including further details of likely hearings and requests for further information. The revised timetable re-affirms the deadline for all interested parties to send in any comments on anything that has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the 25 April in relation to the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm application and published on the project's page on the national infrastructure portal.
She may also wish to answer any of the Examining Authority's additional questions also included in the letter at Annex B - even if they are in the first instance directed at another interested party.
Interested Parties who wish to speak at either an open-floor or issue-specific hearing should notify the Examining Authority by the 25 May of their wish to do so.