Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
At the public meeting in Carmarthenshire, the inspector considering the application by Npower to build a windfarm in the western side of Brechfa Forest mentioned the opportunity for applications for costs.
Can you please confirm if the process / grounds for application and the application form is the same as that published on the inspectorate website for planning appeals where an application has behaved in an unreasonable manner. If not, can you please supply a copy of the information on the grounds for application and a copy of the application form.
Cyngor a roddwyd
Dear Ms Gardiner,
thank you for your email dated 22 May 2012 - I have the following information for you which I trust will be of use:
Information on the process and grounds upon which to make an application for costs can be found on the National Infrastructure Directorate - The Planning Inspectorate's website at the following address:
attachment 1
I would also recommend reference to the 'Awards of costs policy' which provides for, in detail, how an application for an award of costs will be treated and examples of unreasonable behaviour. It also gives examples of good practice which will help avoid the risk of other parties obtaining an award - the policy can be found on the same page.
I note your reference to the Planning Inspectorate's costs application form for planning appeals. I would recommend that if you do intend on submitting a claim for costs to the National Infrastructure Directorate - The Planning Inspectorate that you do so on the same form, but make it clear that the application is in relation to a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and amend where applicable.
if you have any further queries on the above, please feel free to contact us.