Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
I met the Case Officer Owain George at the Drop In last Friday in Brechfa - he was helpful with info on Registration, but I didn't get his e-mail address tho I will try the obvious as an addressee.
Apparently someone local said that she had heard that Community Councils in the area of the development will be consulted by the IPC - do they therefore have to Register like the rest of us if they want to make a representation during the Examination.
I need to know rather urgently as our local Community Council meet tomorrow night and they need to know.
Cyngor a roddwyd
'The relevant community councils' are a statutory party as defined in The Infrastructure Planning (Interested Parties) Regulations 2010 (Interested Parties Regs) which makes them an interested party for the purposes of the Planning Act 2008 process. This means that a community council which is identified by the IPC as a 'relevant community council' for the purposes of a particular application will receive all the correspondence being sent to interested parties.
IPC Advice Note 3, which is available on our website (attachment 1, explains how we identify parish/community councils: "The IPC will identify as relevant, the parish/community council in which the proposed NSIP and any associated development will be located (termed parish/community council ?B?) and the neighbouring parish/community councils which share a boundary which the ?B? parish/community council (termed parish/community council ?A?)."
The IPC is, however, also inviting prescribed consultees to send us a relevant representation in order to inform the examining authority?s initial assessment of issues ahead of the Preliminary Meeting, in accordance with s.88 of the Planning Act 2008.