Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via phone

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

John Hewer


Mr Hewer has concerns that the proposal of Brechfa West Wind Farm has health implications and the consultation has not been performed to an adequate standard, he felt that the consultation events held previously were intimidating. He also explained that he could not get hold of the developer.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Prompted by Mr Hewer's further phone call to the IPC helpline on 15th March raising very similar points as on the 8th March I returned his call to ensure that he has received my letter dated 9th March 2011 and that he understands the advice notes enclosed. I reiterated that at this stage (pre-application) the IPC cannot get involved in project related consultation and advised him again that he should submit his concerns to the project promoter. I advised him to write a letter to the address given on the letter sent to him last week and that by law RWE must take into account all comments made during the consultation period. I also informed him of an event on Saturday 19th March at Llanllwni Church Hall 12pm to 5pm, which he could attend if he would prefer to speak to the developer. Finally I advised him that he could have a look at RWE's project website for the consultation documents and feedback forms.