Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
I have been looking at the Advice Note 8.1 v4 and have read through the following excerpt. I have been advised that the Examining Authority's Report and Recommendation will NOT be made public, even after the Secretary of State's decision, and that only the S of State's decision and reasons will be available to the public.
Is this correct? That Mr Macey's report will not be made public?
Cyngor a roddwyd
We are responding to your email of 20 October regarding a section of our Advice note 8.1 - (it is in version 3 on the website.):
?The Examining Authority?s
recommendation and the Secretary of
State?s decision
The Examining Authority must prepare
a report on the application to the
relevant Secretary of State, including a
recommendation, within 3 months of the
end of the examination. The Secretary of
State then has a further 3 months to make
the decision on whether to grant or refuse
development consent.
All interested parties will automatically be
notified of the Secretary of State?s decision.
You will also be able to view the decision,
and reasons given for making it, on the
National Infrastructure portal?
You can be assured that the Examining Authority?s report will be published, after the decision is made.
You can for example see the Examining Authority's reports on two other cases recently decided by the Secretary of State for Transport on our website:
Ipswich Rail Chord :
attachment 1
and North Doncaster Rail Chord:
attachment 2
As the Examining authority?s report is only a recommendation, and the Secretary of State makes the decision, it cannot be published prior to the decision.
The section of our Advice Note that you quote does not mention the publication of the Inspector's report one way or another.
It would certainly clarify this point if it did, and I have asked our website designers to include a mention of it in that section.