Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via post

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Jonathan Edwards


Please see attached letter.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Dear Mr Edwards,
As the examination of the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm application is still on-going the Department of Energy and Climate Change forwarded us your letter to them of 6 August (see attached).
Given that you are registered as an interested party in the examination of this application we were wondering whether you would like to submit a representation along the lines set out in your constituents' letter to the Examining Authority ?
As you may be aware, the Examining Authority?s letter of 25 July issued the Examining Authority's draft Development Consent Order (DCO) for comment along with further questions and a revised timetable. The deadline for comments on the draft DCO and for responses to the further questions is the 9 August 2012 . The deadline for comments on any of the material submitted for the 19 July 2012 deadline is the 20 August.
If you would like to make a representation on the Examining Authority's draft DCO or submit a response to the further questions asked, please do so by the 9 August. Similarly, if you would like to submit any comment(s) on any of the submissions for the 19 July deadline, please do so by 20 August. The submissions for the 19 July deadline can be found on the Brechfa Forest West project page of the infrastructure planning portal by clicking on the representations tab and then the hearings filter button.
You may also wish to advise your constituents that as long as they are registered as an interested party in this application, they can make a submission to any of these remaining steps in the examination timetable. The Examining Authority will take all such representations from interested parties into account, if the Planning Inspectorate receives such representations by the relevant deadline. Anyone not registered as an interested party can still make a submission. However, in this case it is at the discretion of the Examining Authority whether or not to accept the submission for the examination of the application.
In relation to your concern about the developers for Brechfa Forest West having failed to consult the MOD under section 42 of the Planning Act I can advise you that there is no duty on developers at the pre-application stage to consult with the MOD under s42. The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 which set out at schedule 1 the prescribed bodies which a developer must consult under s42(a) does not include the MOD.
However, the MOD registered as an interested party for this application after it was accepted by the IPC (now PINS) for examination. The MOD's relevant representation can be viewed on the Brechfa Forest West project page of the Infrastructure planning portal by clicking on the representations tab and then the 'relevant representations' filter button (enter 'ministry of defence' in the search field).
As the email we received from DECC did not include your constituents' letter which you refer to in your letter, I'm unable to address any points that may have been raised in them.
I hope this information is helpful.
yours sincerely
Simone Wilding

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