Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
Please see attached letter which concerns queries about the relevant representations process
Cyngor a roddwyd
Thank you for your letter dated 23 November which was received by The Planning Inspectorate Customer Services team 25 November 2011. Your letter has been forwarded to the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) as correspondence relating to a nationally significant infrastructure project.
The Localism Act 2011 abolishes the Infrastructure Planning Commission and transfers its functions to the Planning Inspectorate. A national infrastructure directorate will be formed within the Planning Inspectorate to examine applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects and make recommendations to the Secretary of State who will be the decision-maker. The abolition of the IPC and the creation of a National Infrastructure Directorate within The Planning Inspectorate will take place in April 2012 until that time all correspondence relating to nationally significant infrastructure projects will be handled by the IPC. We would like to reassure you that the expertise and processes of the IPC will be retained and that the IPC is working closely with the Planning Inspectorate to ensure a seamless transfer.
The IPC is unable to register your comments on this application until the appropriate time in the application process which I have explained below:
If the application for Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm is accepted for examination, the public will be notified by the applicant of the opportunity to submit a ? Registration and Relevant Representation? form to the IPC. This also needs to include a summary of what you agree and/or disagree with in the application. By completing the 'Registration and Relevant Representation form' and ensuring it is complete and received by the IPC before the deadline set by the developer you will be registered as an 'interested party'. More detailed representations can then be made during the examination stage in the form of a written representation and will provide you with an opportunity to request or to speak at a hearing.