Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
The enquirer indicated that community representatives had requested a meeting with the IPC to discuss the pre-application community consultation process and queried the process.
Cyngor a roddwyd
As discussed, the IPC has now accepted the application under section 55 of the Planning Act 2008. The acceptance letter, and the acceptance checklist which sets out the Commission's consideration of the legislative requirements at acceptance can be viewed on the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm Project page on the IPC's web-site. The IPC is now organising outreach events, which are open to all members of the public and can either be attended individually or the community group as a whole. The purpose of these non-statutory events is to meet with local people in an informal atmosphere to explain the process and provide advice about registering as an interested party to make a representation about the application. However, we are unable to discuss the merits of the scheme at these events; the merits will be considered by the examining authority.