Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via email

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Caroline Evans


Please can you advise the status of the original registration statements for this application.
It has come to our notice that several individuals who registered their objections to this application and gave their reasons in the 500 word limit allowed and now listed under "Relevant Representations" on the website, did not go on and submit any "Written Representations" as they thought their original comments were sufficient. Our query comes as someone has said that if they had not gone on to a "Written Submission" then their original registration and reasons are not then paid any regard to by the Inspector, during the Examination as they could be deemed as having changed their minds.
We would be grateful if you could clarify this point - confusion may be through the different processes used in planning applications going through a local authority.

Cyngor a roddwyd

If someone has submitted a relevant representation on a particular application they become an interested party for that application. This brings with it certain rights during the examination of that application including for example to submit written representations, speak at an open-floor hearing, receive notifications about procedural decisions etc.
If an interested party doesn't use one or more of these rights that doesn't affect their entitlements as an interested party. Also the Examining Authority will still take their relevant representation into consideration whether or not they submit further representations during the examination or not.