Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm
Enquirer asks if it will be possible for the IPC to release copies of the relevant representations to RWE npower renewables in order that they can start to prepare for the preliminary meeting and subsequent examination?
Cyngor a roddwyd
Reply says we have looked into the request for sending copies of the relevant responses received ahead of the extended deadline for the HPA expiring on the 13 February 2012, but unfortunately we will not be able to send the representations ahead of the general publication date. An early sight of the representations would provide an unfair advantage over other parties, and would also create a considerable administrative demand on our resources, particularly on cases where there is a significant amount of relevant representations (in the past this total has exceeded ten thousand).
In accordance with Rule 21(1) 'Availability and Inspection of Representations and Documents' of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010, copies will be made available for inspection and will be published on our website, after the period for the submission of such representations has passed, as digital text (transcribed where submitted in hardcopy). We expect to publish the relevant representations for the Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm application on 14 February 2012.