Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Enquiry received via phone

Brechfa Forest West Wind Farm

Llanllewddog Community Council - Elfyn Williams


Mr Williams called to ask if the deadline of 18 January 2012 for registration as an interested party to the Brechfa examination applied to Llanllewddog Community Council.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Llanllewddog is a host or neighbouring community council to the Brechfa proposal.
The IPC explained that prescribed consultees, including host and neighbouring community councils, are automatically afforded the status of an ?interested party? for the purposes of applications submitted to the IPC. These organisations do not need to register formally by submitting a relevant representation in order to make their views known during the examination. The IPC is, however, inviting prescribed consultees to send us a relevant representation in order to inform the examining authority?s initial assessment of issues ahead of the Preliminary Meeting, in accordance with section 88 of the Planning Act 2008.