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Documents Published By Stage
Pre Application (8)
Developer's Application (261)
Acceptance (6)
Pre Examination (93)
- All Documents
- Additional Submissions (60)
- Certificates and Notices (3)
- Examination Library (1)
- Hearing Notice (1)
- Notification of the appointment of the Examining Authority (2)
- Preliminary Meeting (2)
- Procedural Deadline A (10)
- Procedural Decisions (10)
- Unaccompanied Site Inspection 1 (2)
- Unaccompanied Site Inspection 2 (2)
Examination (1278)
- All Documents
- Additional Submissions (190)
- Certificates and Notices (4)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH) (6)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (4)
- Deadline 1 (DL1) (85)
- Deadline 1A (DL1A) (6)
- Deadline 2 (DL2) (53)
- Deadline 3 (DL3) (50)
- Deadline 4 (DL4) (291)
- Deadline 5 (DL5) (51)
- Deadline 6 (DL6) (52)
- Deadline 6A (DL6A) (25)
- Deadline 7 (DL7) (326)
- Deadline 8 (DL8) (51)
- Deadline 9 (DL9) (18)
- Hearing Agenda (8)
- Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (6)
- Issue Specific Hearing on Environmental Matters (ISH1) (6)
- Issue Specific Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order (ISH2) (6)
- Open Floor Hearing (4)
- Other Documents (3)
- Preliminary meeting note (2)
- Procedural Decisions (28)
- Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (1)
- Unaccompanied Site Inspection (2)
Decision (36)
- All Documents
- DCO decision letter (SoS)(approve) (2)
- Development Consent Order as made by the Secretary of State (1)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (1)
- Notification of Decision to Accept Application (1)
- Planning Inspectorate’s Notification of Decision Letter (2)
- Post Examination Submissions (15)
- Recommendation Report (2)
- Secretary of State Consultation 1 (12)
Decided (3)
Source | Description |
Other |
Cadent Gas Limited (PDF, 226 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Canal and River Trust (PDF, 244 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Cheshire West and Chester Council (Document 398 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - Affected highways for Protective Provisions
Other |
Cheshire West and Chester Council (PDF, 138 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - Cover Letter
Other |
Cheshire West and Chester Council (PDF, 291 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Environment Agency (PDF, 191 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Flintshire County Council (PDF, 360 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Health and Safety Executive (PDF, 118 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - Late Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 590 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.44 Outline Dewatering Management Plan Rev C (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 13 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Appendix 18.5 Flood Consequences Assessment Rev C (Clean) -Part 3
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 274 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.43 Outline Surface Water Management and Monitoring Plan Rev D (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 491 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.65 Applicant's Final Position Statement Rev A
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 653 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.61 Ground Investigation Technical Report Rev B (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Outline Peat Management Plan Rev D (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.23 Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy Update Rev F (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.4.1.1 Schedule of Negotiations with Land Interests Rev J (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 910 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.63 Applicant's Response to Submissions Received at Deadline 7 Rev A
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 436 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.66 King's Counsel opinion on National Highways Submissions Rev A
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 650 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.3.3 Schedule of Changes to the Draft DCO Rev I (to Revision K)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order Rev K (Applicant's Preferred Version - trenched crossing) (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 688 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.2.26 Statement of Common Ground - Network Rail (England & Wales)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 717 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.2.3 Statement of Common Ground - Natural England Rev E
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 505 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.2 Statement of Commonality for Statements of Common Ground Rev I
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 272 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.43 Outline Surface Water Management and Monitoring Plan Rev D (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 25 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.2.5 Access and Rights of Way Plan Rev F
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 347 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.1.14 Deadline 8 Cover Letter Rev A
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.2.2 Statement of Common Ground - Cheshire West and Chester Council Rev E
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 586 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.2.28 Statement of Common Ground - Vertex Hydrogen Limited Rev B
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 648 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.61 Ground Investigation Technical Report Rev B (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order Rev L (Deadline 8 - Pipe bridge version) (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.4.1.1 Schedule of Negotiations with Land Interests Rev J (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker Rev N (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker Rev N (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 586 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.44 Outline Dewatering Management Plan Rev C (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 205 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.64 Applicant's Comments on responses to Examining Authority's Third Written Questions Rev A
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 30 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Appendix 18.3 Water Framework Directive Assessment Rev D (Clean)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 18 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Appendix 8.1 Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment (HEDBA) Rev C (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Outline Peat Management Plan Rev D (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 614 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.2.23 Statement of Common Ground - Wales and West Utilities Rev D
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.7.23 Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy Update Rev F (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order Rev L (Deadline 8 - Pipe bridge version) (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order Rev K (Applicant's Preferred Version - trenched crossing) (Tracked)
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 46 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Appendix 18.5 Flood Consequences Assessment Rev C (Clean) -Part 1
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 47 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Appendix 18.5 Flood Consequences Assessment Rev C (Clean) -Part 2
Other |
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 30 MB)
Deadline 8 Submission - D. Appendix 18.3 Water Framework Directive Assessment Rev D (Tracked)
Other |
National Highways Limited (PDF, 427 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Turley on behalf of Peel NRE (PDF, 162 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - Written Response Statement
Other |
Turley on behalf of Peel NRE (PDF, 75 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
United Utilities Water Limited (PDF, 85 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP on behalf of Exolum Pipeline System Limited (PDF, 272 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission
Other |
Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP on behalf of Exolum Pipeline System Limited (PDF, 183 KB)
Deadline 8 Submission - Protective Provisions