HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

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Documents Published By Stage

Pre Application (8)

Developer's Application (261)

Acceptance (6)

Pre Examination (93)

Examination (1278)

Decision (36)

Decided (1)


Rule 8 letter - notification of timetable for the examination (PDF, 489 KB)
The Examining Authority’s written questions and requests for information (ExQ1) (English) (PDF, 779 KB)
The Examining Authority’s written questions and requests for information (ExQ1) (Welsh) (PDF, 902 KB)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 507 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.5 Notification of Intention to Submit a Change Request
Preliminary Meeting - Transcript - 20 March 2023 (PDF, 272 KB)
This document is intended to assist Interested Parties, it is not verbatim. The content is produced using artificial intelligence voice to text and is unedited. Note that transcripts are automatically generated from digital recordings and may contain errors. We will not correct these unless they are egregious and would damage the reputation of PINS or an IP. IPs, including the Applicant, are welcome to submit corrected versions of the transcript, which we will publish as either a Deadline submission or an AS as appropriate. This will not replace the original published transcript. These submissions will be subject to PINS redaction policy.
Recording of Preliminary Meeting – 20 March 2023 (Document 4 KB)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 45 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 - Bat Activity Survey Report Part 1 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 45 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 Bat Activity Survey Report Part 1 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Appendix 9.4 Bats and Hedgerows Assessment Rev B Part 3
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.6.2.9 Chapter 09 - Biodiversity (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 6 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 419 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.6.5.1 Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.3 Book of Reference (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 82 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 Bats Activity Survey Report Annex G Part 2 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 891 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.6.5.4 Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 30 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.13 Important Hedgerow Plans - Part 2
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 166 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.2 Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 38 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 1
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 49 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 5 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 739 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 - Bat Activity Survey Report Part 1 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 - Bat Activity Survey Report Annex G Part 2 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 24 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 7 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 41 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 6
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.3 Crown Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 49 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 4 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 198 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.3 Schedule of Changes to the DCO
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 611 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.6.5.4 Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 41 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 4
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 49 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6 - Riparian Mammal Survey Report - Part 2 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 22 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 5
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 19 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6 - Riparian Mammal Survey Report - Part 3 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6 Riparian Mammal Survey Report - Part 1 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 579 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.6.5.1 Register of Environmental Actions and Commitments (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 10
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 1 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 1 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 49 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 7
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.3 Book of Reference (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 33 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.4 Works Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 973 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.1 Statement of Reasons (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.13 Important Hedgerow Plans - Part 1
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 9
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 37 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6 - Riparian Mammal Survey Report (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 169 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.2 Explanatory Memorandum (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 26 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.5 Access and Rights of Way Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 Bat Activity Survey Report Part 1 (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 19 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.2 Land Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 37 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 2
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 41 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 8
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 702 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.1.2 Cover Letter s51 Advice Response
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.1 Statement of Reasons (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 3 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 48 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 - Bats and Hedgerows Assessment - Part 2 (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker (Tracked Changes)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 42 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2 Coal Mining Risk Assessment - Part 3
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.6.2.9 Chapter 09 - Biodiversity (Tracked Changes)
Canal and River Trust (PDF, 175 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (PDF, 238 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Flintshire County Council (PDF, 181 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 421 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission - D.7.1.3 Cover Letter
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission - D.7.6 Applicant's suggested locations for accompanied site inspections
Stephens Scown LLP on behalf of Mr and Mrs Oultram (PDF, 148 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
National Highways (PDF, 202 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (PDF, 74 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Turley on behalf of Peel NRE (PDF, 6 MB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Travelodge UK (PDF, 266 KB)
Procedural Deadline A Submission
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 224 KB)
Hearing Notice
British Pipeline Agency Limited – English (PDF, 104 KB)
S102A Decision Letter
British Pipeline Agency Limited – Welsh (PDF, 154 KB)
S102A Decision Letter
Cellnex UK - English (PDF, 104 KB)
S102A Decision Letter
Cellnex UK - Welsh (PDF, 156 KB)
S102A Decision Letter
Nicola Berrow - English (PDF, 104 KB)
S102A Decision Letter
Nicola Berrow - Welsh (PDF, 154 KB)
S102A Decision Letter
Rule 6 letter - notification of the preliminary meeting and matters to be discussed (PDF, 941 KB)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 537 KB)
Applicant’s Response to s51 Advice - Cover Letter - Published provisionally on 17 November 2022. Accepted by the Examining Authority following appointment on 17 January 2023
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 47 MB)
Applicant’s Response to s51 Advice - D. Appendix 18 - Part 2 - Published provisionally on 17 November 2022. Accepted by the Examining Authority following appointment on 17 January 2023
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 41 MB)
Applicant’s Response to s51 Advice - D. Appendix 18 - Part 3 - Published provisionally on 17 November 2022. Accepted by the Examining Authority following appointment on 17 January 2023
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 160 KB)
Applicant’s Response to s51 Advice - D.1.4 Application Form - Published provisionally on 17 November 2022. Accepted by the Examining Authority following appointment on 17 January 2023
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 37 MB)
Applicant’s Response to s51 Advice - D. Appendix 18 - Part 1 - Published provisionally on 17 November 2022. Accepted by the Examining Authority following appointment on 17 January 2023
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 706 KB)
Applicant’s Response to s51 Advice - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker - Published provisionally on 17 November 2022. Accepted by the Examining Authority following appointment on 17 January 2023.
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 50 KB)
Certificates of compliance
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 1 - 15 November 2022 (English) (PDF, 98 KB)
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 1 - 15 November 2022 (Welsh) (PDF, 102 KB)
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 2 - 16 November 2022 (English) (PDF, 81 KB)
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 2 - 16 November 2022 (Welsh) (PDF, 83 KB)
Notification of the appointment of the Examining Authority (English) (PDF, 149 KB)
Notification of the appointment of the Examining Authority (Welsh) (PDF, 146 KB)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 27 KB)
Section 56 Notice - English
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 28 KB)
Section 56 Notice - Welsh
Examination Library (PDF, 1 MB)