HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

This page sets out the timetable for the examination of the application. It includes the deadlines for submissions to be made to the Planning Inspectorate and the dates of events taking place during the Examination. The Examination Timetable is also set out in an annex to the Rule 8 letter that was sent to Interested Parties at the start of the Examination.

Event DateDescription
 Date Passed
09 March 2023
Procedural Deadline A
- Written submissions on the Examination procedure, including any submissions about the use of virtual procedures.
- Notification of wish to speak at the Preliminary Meeting.
- Submission of suggested locations to be included in any Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI).
 Date Passed
20 March 2023
Examination Begins
 Date Passed
26 March 2023
Issue by the Examining Authority (ExA) of
Issue by the Examining Authority (ExA) of:
* Examination Timetable.
* ExA’s First Written Questions (ExQ1).
 Date Passed
17 April 2023
Deadline 1 (DL1)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Written summaries of oral submissions to the PM.
- Any post-PM submissions requested by the ExA.
- Responses to ExA’s ExQ1.
- An updated draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs).
- Comments on Additional Submissions (See Annex E of our Rule 6 letter).
- Draft Local Impact Report (LIR) from Local Authorities, if available.
- Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) requested by ExA – (See Annex E of our Rule 6 letter).
- Statement of Commonality for SoCG.
- A Compulsory Acquisition (CA)/ Temporary Possession (TP) Schedule, including s127 Statutory Undertakers’ Land and Rights Schedule and s138 Statutory Undertakers’ Apparatus Schedule.
- Updated Book of Reference (BoR) and Schedule of Changes to the BoR (in clean and tracked versions) (if required).
- A Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required).
- An updated Application Document Tracker, in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- Initial National Policy Statement (NPS) tracker and provision of a document that provides updates in regard to the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) prospectus (December 2022) and the Governments proposed approach to National Development Management Policies (NDMP), as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required).
- Written representations (WRs) (including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words).
- Notification of wish to speak at an Open Floor Hearing.
- Notification of wish to speak at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing.
- Comments on the suggested locations to be included in any ASI submitted at Procedural Deadline A.
- The Applicant’s draft itinerary for an ASI.
- Notification by any Statutory Parties who have not submitted a RR of their wish to be considered as an IP.
- Applicant’s update on the Marine Licence (ML) submission and progress.
- Any further information requested by the ExA.
 Date Passed
26 April 2023
Deadline 1A (DL1A)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- LIR(s) from Local Authorities.
 Date Passed
10 May 2023
Deadline 2 (DL2)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Comments on any submissions received at DL1, including WRs, any updated dDCO and the Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI.
- Comments on the LIR(s) submitted at DL1A.
- Responses to comments on RRs.
- Comments on responses to ExA’s ExQ1.
- An updated CA/ TP Schedule in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- Updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR, in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated dDCO in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required).
- An updated Application Document Tracker, in clean, tracked and Word versions.
- An updated NPS tracker/ NPPF Prospectus Tracker/ NDMP Tracker, as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required) in clean and tracked versions.
- A statement of progress on SoCG that remain outstanding and submission of SoCG not completed at DL1.
- Statement of Commonality of SoCG (See Annex E of our Rule 6 letter) (if required).
- Update on the ML (if required).
- Any further information requested by the ExA.
 Date Passed
23 May 2023
Deadline 3 (DL3)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Comments on any submissions received at DL2.
- Responses to comments on LIRs.
- An updated dDCO in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required).
- An updated CA/ TP Schedule in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- Updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- A statement of progress on SoCG that remain outstanding and submission of SoCG completed since DL2 (if required).
- An updated Statement of Commonality of SoCG (if required).
- An updated Application Document Tracker in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated NPS tracker/ NPPF Prospectus Tracker/ NDMP Tracker, as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required) in clean and tracked versions.
- Update on the ML (if required).
- Notification of wish to attend ASI(s).
- Any further information requested by the ExA.
 Date Passed
06 June 2023
Issue Specific Hearing on Environmental Matters (ISH1)
Issue Specific Hearing on Environmental Matters (ISH1), if required.
 Date Passed
07 June 2023
Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH)
Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH), if required.
 Date Passed
08 June 2023
Issue Specific Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order (ISH2)
Issue Specific Hearing on the draft Development Consent Order (ISH2), if required.
 Date Passed
09 June 2023
Open Floor Hearing (OFH)
Open Floor Hearing (OFH), if required.
 Date Passed
15 June 2023
Issue by the ExA of
Issue by the ExA of:
* ExA’s Second Written Questions (ExQ2).
* The final itinerary for the ASI.
 Date Passed
20 June 2023
Deadline 4 (DL4)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Written summaries of oral submissions made at any Hearings held during the week commencing 5 June 2023.
- Any post-hearing submissions requested by the ExA.
- Comments on any other submissions received at DL3.
- An updated CA/ TP Schedule in clean and tracked versions.
- Updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR, in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated dDCO in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required).
- An updated Application Document Tracker in clean and tracked versions.
- An updated NPS tracker/ NPPF Prospectus Tracker/ NDMP Tracker, as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required) in clean and tracked versions.
- A statement of progress on SoCG that remain outstanding and submission of SoCG completed since DL3 (if required).
- Statement of Commonality for SoCG (if required).
- Update on the ML (if required).
- Any further information requested by the ExA.
 Date Passed
04 July 2023
Deadline 5 (DL5)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Responses to ExQ2 (if required).
- Comments on any submissions received at DL4, including any updated dDCO.
- An updated CA/ TP Schedule in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- Updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR, in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated dDCO in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required).
- An updated Guide to the Application in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated NPS tracker/ NPPF Prospectus Tracker/ NDMP Tracker, as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required) in clean and tracked versions.
- A statement of progress on SoCG that remain outstanding and submission of SoCG completed since DL4 (if required).
- Statement of Commonality for SoCG (if required).
- Update on the ML (if required).
- Any further information requested by the ExA.
View the documents received relating to this deadline
 Date Passed
18 July 2023
Deadline 6 (DL6)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Comments on any other submissions received at DL5.
- Comments on responses to ExQ2 (if required).
- An updated CA/ TP Schedule in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- Updated BoR and Schedule of Changes to the BoR in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated dDCO in clean, tracked and Word versions (if required).
- An updated Schedule of Changes to the dDCO (if required).
- An updated Application Document Tracker documents in clean and tracked versions (if required).
- An updated NPS tracker/ NPPF Prospectus Tracker/ NDMP Tracker, as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required) in clean and tracked versions.
- A statement of progress on SoCG that remain outstanding and submission of SoCG completed since DL5 (if required).
- Statement of Commonality for SoCG (if required).
- Update on the ML (if required).
- Any further information requested by the ExA.
View the documents received relating to this deadline
 Date Passed
01 August 2023
Publication by the ExA of
Publication by the ExA of:
* The ExA’s schedule of changes to the dDCO (if required).
* Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) (if required).
 Date Passed
08 August 2023
Deadline 6A (DL6A)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Comments on Relevant Representations (RR) received that concern the Applicant’s proposed provision for the compulsory acquisition of additional land.
- Written representations (WRs) (including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words) about the Proposed Provisions from the applicant, additional affected person(s); additional interested party/ parties; or interested party/ parties.
- Notification of wish to speak at an Open Floor Hearing.
- Notification from any Additional Affected
Person of wish to speak at a Compulsory
Acquisition Hearing.
- Notification by any Statutory Parties, who
is/ are affected as a result of the Applicant’s
proposed provision for the compulsory
acquisition of additional land, who have not
submitted a RR of their wish to be considered
as an IP.
View the documents received relating to this deadline
 Date Passed
09 August 2023
Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3)
Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) Stacked Hearings regarding Environmental matters and the DCO
 Date Passed
10 August 2023
Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2
Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2
 Date Passed
10 August 2023
Open Floor Hearing
Open Floor Hearing
 Date Passed
11 August 2023
Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (if required)
Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (Stacked Hearings regarding
Environmental matters and the DCO); CAH2; and OFH) (if required)

We intend to cover all necessary matters as set out above. However, notification is also made of a reserved date. These would be used only if the ISH3, CAH2 or OFH are disrupted by technical issues and/or run over.
 Date Passed
15 August 2023
Issue by the ExA of.
Issue by the ExA of.

* ExA’s Third Written Questions (ExQ3) (if required), including any question(s) concerning:
i) any matter contained in the proposed provisions;
ii) any WR related to the proposed provision;
iii) any other matter the ExA considers relevant to its examination of the proposed provisions.
 Date Passed
05 September 2023
Deadline 7 (DL7)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Comments on any submissions received at DL6 and DL6A, including any additional affected person; additional interested party; or interested party, as well as any RRs or WRs made pursuant to CR1, CR2 and/ or CR3 relating to the proposed provision(s).
- Response to Applicant’s comments on RRs received at DL6A.
- Responses to ExQ3 (if required).
- Written summaries of oral submissions at hearings (if required).
- Comments on the RIES (if required).
- Comments on the ExA’s proposed schedule of changes to the dDCO (if required).
- Finalised SoCGs.
- Final Statement of Commonality for SoCG.
- Final CA/ TP Schedule in clean and tracked versions.
- Final BoR in clean and tracked versions.
- Final Statement of Reasons in clean and tracked versions.
- Finalised NPS tracker/ NPPF Prospectus Tracker/ NDMP Tracker, as relevant to the NSIP Application (if required), in clean and tracked versions.
- Schedule of Changes to the BoR in clean and tracked versions.
- Final Application Document Tracker, in clean and tracked versions.
- Final update on the ML.
- Applicant’s preferred Development Consent Order (DCO) in the SI template validation report and a validated copy of the DCO.
- Applicant’s preferred DCO in word format.
- Final Schedule of Changes to the dDCO.
- Any further information requested by the ExA (if required).
 Date Passed
12 September 2023
Deadline 8 (DL8)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- Comments on responses to ExQ3 (if required).
- Comments on any submissions received at DL7.
- Closing submissions.
- Any further information requested by the ExA (if required).
View the documents received relating to this deadline
 Date Passed
20 September 2023
The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of 6 months.

Please note that the ExA may close the Examination before the end of the six month period if it is satisfied that all relevant matters have been addressed and discussed.
View the documents received relating to this deadline
 Date Passed
20 September 2023
Deadline 9 (DL9)

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:
- the Applicant's response to the ExA's Rule 17 letter, dated 14 September 2023; and

if changes since DL7, for the Applicant to submit:
- the final Guide to the Application;
- the final update regarding progress that has been made with Affected Persons in respect of CA and TP;
- the final Book of Reference;
- the final CA/ TP schedule;
- the Applicant's final preferred DCO in the SI template validation report and validated copy of the DCO; and
- the Applicant's preferred DCO in word format.
View the documents received relating to this deadline
 Date Passed
20 September 2023
Examination closed