HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

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Documents Published By Stage

Pre Application (8)

Developer's Application (261)

Acceptance (6)

Pre Examination (93)

Examination (1278)

Decision (36)

Decided (3)


Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 387 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.22 2023 Environmental Statement Addendum Change Request 2
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 926 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.1 Statement of Reasons (Tracked)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 456 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.22.1 Environmental Statement Addendum Change Request 2 - Appendix A - Non-Technical Summary Addenda
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 516 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.3 Schedule of Changes to the draft DCO
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 855 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.22.2 Environmental Statement Addendum Change Request 2 - Appendix B - Technical Appendices Addenda
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 81 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.13 Important Hedgerow Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker (Tracked)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.1 Location Plan
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.29 Indicative Arrangement - Alltami Brook Embedded Pipe Bridge
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.3 Book of Reference (Tracked)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 37 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.4 Works Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 337 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.1 Statement of Reasons (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 106 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.3.1 Schedule of Changes to the Book of Reference
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.4.3 Book of Reference (Clean)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked)
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 50 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.2 Land Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 14 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.22.3 Environmental Statement Addendum Design Change Request 2 - Appendix C - Figures
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 431 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.7.1.7 Change Request 2 Cover Letter
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 24 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.2.5 Access and Rights of Way Plans
Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority - D.1.3 Application Document Tracker (Clean)
Procedural Decision following a second request to make changes to the application (English) (PDF, 188 KB)
Procedural Decision following a second request to make changes to the application (Welsh) (PDF, 213 KB)
The Woodland Trust (PDF, 219 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
Turley on behalf of Peel NRE (PDF, 121 KB)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority