Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

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Documents Published By Stage

Pre Application (5)

Developer's Application (325)

Acceptance (13)

Pre Examination (69)

Examination (688)

Decision (31)

Decided (2)


Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 686 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.6 Marine Ornithology Great Orme Assessment (Tracked)
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 381 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.13 Applicant's Response to Natural Resources Wales Marine License Team Request for Further Information
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 555 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.19 Marine Ornithology Great Orme Assessment (Clean)
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 265 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.12 Schedule of Changes to Plans
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 50 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.8 Street Works and Access Plans
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.7 Statutory/Non-Statutory Sites or Features of the Historic Environment Plan
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.11 Land Plan Offshore
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 831 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.17 Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked)
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 489 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.3 Comments on Submissions Received at Deadline 3
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 337 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.5 Written Summary of Oral Submission at ISH3 (Proposed Substation Site and Related Matters)
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 285 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited - 3a.2 Applicant's Response to Rule 17 Letter
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.16 Draft Development Consent Order (Clean)
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 378 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.15 Applicant's Statement of Commonality for SoCG
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.14 Applicant's Response to Marine Licence Application Comments
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 269 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.1 Guide to the Applicant's Deadline 3a Submission
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 356 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.4 Written Summary of Oral Submissions at ISH2 (Seascape and Related Matters)
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 53 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.9 Water Bodies in a River Basin Management Plan
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 51 MB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.10 Hedgerow and Protected Tree Plan
Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited (PDF, 547 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - 3a.18 Schedule of Changes to the Draft DCO
Denbighshire County Council (PDF, 184 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - Post-hearing submission requested by the ExA
Llanddulas and Rhyd Y Foel Community Council (PDF, 122 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - Post-hearing submission requested by the ExA
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 153 KB)
Deadline 3a Submission - Written summaries of oral submissions at hearings
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 2 MB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - ES 6.2.1
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 307 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Works Application Form
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 324 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (NRW Advisory)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 636 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Guide to the Marine License Application
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 89 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Listed Buildings
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 72 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (Public Representation)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 353 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - ML-1.10
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 223 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (MCA)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 890 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (Isle of Man)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 138 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation Letter
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 142 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 3 MB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Plan Areas Map
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 607 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - 6.7.1 Non-technical summary
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 216 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (IACC)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 154 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (RCAHMW)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 136 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (JNCC)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 314 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (CEFAS)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 276 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (Janet Finch-Saunders MS)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 252 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (RSPB)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 13 MB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (Defence Infrastructure Organisation)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 366 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (Cadw)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 347 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (NATS Safeguarding)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 123 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Cover Letter
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 293 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Further Information Document List
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 261 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (The Crown Estate)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 251 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust)
Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 214 KB)
Response to Rule 17 Letter dated 15 November 2022 - Natural Resources Wales - Marine Licence Application Consultation (NFFO)