You can filter the results to show only the items that match your interest.
Documents Published By Stage
Pre Application (6)
Developer's Application (236)
Acceptance (6)
Pre Examination (115)
Examination (765)
- All Documents
- Accompanied Site Inspection (1)
- Additional Submissions (43)
- Change Request (2)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1) (8)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) (4)
- Deadline 1 (91)
- Deadline 2 (105)
- Deadline 3 (117)
- Deadline 4 (132)
- Deadline 5 (144)
- Hearing Agenda (12)
- Hearing Notice (4)
- Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) (4)
- Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) (16)
- Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) (8)
- Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) (8)
- Issue Specific Hearing 5 (ISH5) (6)
- Issue Specific Hearing 6 (ISH6) (12)
- Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) (3)
- Other Documents (16)
- Preliminary Meeting (2)
- Preliminary meeting note (2)
- Procedural Decisions (21)
- Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (2)
- Unaccompanied Site Inspection 2 (2)
Decision (0)
Decided (0)
- EN010137 Regulation 32 third Consultation Response from Ireland - Meath County Council submission
- MNOW - Regulation 32 second consultation response from Ireland
- EN010137 Regulation 32 consultation response from Ireland
- EN010137 - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening
- EN010137 Regulation 32 notification response from Ireland
- EN010137 Regulation 32 notification response from Belgium
- London Gazette Notice
The selection shows documents received from the applicant in relation to the development consent order application.
Source | Description |
Other |
Denbigshire County Council (PDF, 159 KB)
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
Other |
Eryri National Park Authority (PDF, 205 KB)
Adequacy of Consultation Representation (Welsh)
Other |
Fylde Borough Council (PDF, 159 KB)
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 30 MB)
E3.1 Consultation Report Appendices - Part 1 (A to C)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
E3 Consultation Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
E4 Technical Engagement Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
E1.1 Part One: Introduction and Background
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
E3.1 Consultation Report Appendices - Part 3 (D.25 to F)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
E4.3 Technical Engagement Plan Appendices - Part 3 (N to S)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 15 MB)
E1.2 Part Two: Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) Assessments
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 26 MB)
D2 Funding Statement Annexes part 2
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
E1.3 Part Three: Special Protection Areas and Ramsar sites Assessments
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
E5 Community and Linguistic Impact Assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 47 MB)
E3.1 Consultation Report Appendices - Part 2 (D to D.24)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
E1.5 HRA Integrity Matrices
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
A3 Application Form
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
E2 Marine Conservation Zone Screening Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 369 KB)
A5 Application Guide
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 26 MB)
E4.1 Technical Engagement Plan Appendices - Part 1 (A to E)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
E1.4 HRA Stage 1 Screening Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 116 KB)
A1 Application Letter
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 29 MB)
E4.2 Technical Engagement Plan Appendices - Part 2 (F to M)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
A4 Copies of S48 newspaper adverts
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 384 KB)
D1 Funding Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 697 KB)
C3 Explanatory Memorandum
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 953 KB)
C1 Draft Development Consent Order
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
J13 Outline Fisheries Liaison and Co-Existence Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
D4 Book of Reference
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
B15 Street Works and Access to Works Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 452 KB)
J25 Relationship of onshore plans included within the DCO
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
B2 Offshore Order Limits and Grid Coordinates Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 942 KB)
J26.14 Outline Landfall Construction Method Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 601 KB)
J12 Outline Offshore Operations and Maintenance Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 344 KB)
J11 Relationship of offshore plans included within the DCO
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
B6 Crown Land Plan (Onshore)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F5.4.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 4.2: Site Selection BRAG Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 770 KB)
F5.5.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 5.2: Transboundary Impacts Screening
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 324 KB)
J17 Measures to minimise disturbance to marine mammals and rafting birds from transiting vessels
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J19 Mona Array Area - Site Characterisation Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 444 KB)
A2 Draft Section 55 Check List
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 52 MB)
D2 Funding Statement Annexes Part 3
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 506 KB)
J26.5 Outline Construction Fencing Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 997 KB)
J3 Design Principles
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
B17 Water Bodies in a River Basin Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 543 KB)
J5 Statutory nuisance statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 440 KB)
J26.3 Outline Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
J8 Scoping Opinion
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
J26.17 Outline Public Rights of Way Management Strategy
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1,005 KB)
F1.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 1, Chapter 5: Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 13 MB)
F2.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 4: Marine mammals
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F7.6.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.1: Landscape and visual resources planning policy context
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 905 KB)
D3 Statement of Reasons
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
D2 Funding Statement Annexes Part 1
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 358 KB)
J26.4 Outline Communications Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 361 KB)
J26.10 Outline Artificial Light Emissions Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J21 Outline Marine Mammal Mitigation Protocol
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 806 KB)
J26.18 Outline Arboriculture Method Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 15 MB)
J26.13 Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 340 KB)
J2.2 Welsh National Marine Plan Signposting
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 18 MB)
B12 Offshore Historic Environment Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
J26.16 Outline Highways Access Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
J27 Outline Operation Drainage Management Strategy
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J9 Marine Licence Principles Document
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
B10 Offshore Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 76 KB)
F7.4.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 4.3: Onshore ornithology – breeding birds technical report (Confidential)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 31 MB)
F7.6.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.5: Landscape visualisations Part 2 (Viewpoint 9 – Viewpoint 15)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F2.9 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 9: Marine Archaeology
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 509 KB)
J26.11 Outline Biosecurity Protocol
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
B8 Indicative Extent of Marine Licences
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 533 KB)
J26.8 Outline Soil Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 323 KB)
J26.15 Outline Onshore Construction Method Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 627 KB)
J16 Outline Underwater Sound Management Strategy
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 393 KB)
J15 Offshore In-Principle Monitoring Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 445 KB)
B9 Indicative Extent of Consents - Cross Section
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 578 KB)
J26.1 Outline Spillage and Emergency Response Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 38 MB)
F7.3.9 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.9: Bat roost survey technical report (Part 1)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 28 MB)
F7.4.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 4.1: Onshore ornithology - wintering and migratory birds technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F2.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 5: Offshore ornithology
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F7.3.9 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.9: Bat roost survey technical report (Part 3)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J2 Planning Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 360 KB)
J26.2 Outline Dust Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
B7 Special Category Land Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 458 KB)
J26.9 Outline Site Waste Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 391 KB)
J26.6 Outline Construction Surface Water Drainage Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 968 KB)
J4 Grid Connection and Cable Details Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F4.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 4, Chapter 1: Aviation and radar
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 23 MB)
F6.2.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 2.1: Benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 530 KB)
J26.12 Outline Discovery Strategy for Contaminated Land
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
B5 Land Plan (Onshore)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
J22 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
B11 Onshore Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
F7.5.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.6: Settings assessment (onshore infrastructure)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
F3.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 5: Historic environment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
F6.10.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 10.1: Radar Early Warning Systems and Microwave Communication Links Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
F7.3.8 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.8: Water vole survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 32 MB)
F7.5.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.5: Trial Trenching Report - Part 2
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F7.2.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 2.3: Surface water abstraction licences, discharge consents and pollution incidents
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F6.5.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 5.2: Offshore Ornithology Displacement Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
B13 Onshore Historic and Scheduled Monuments Sites Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J20 Offshore Cable Corridor - Disposal Site Characterisation Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J2.1 National Policy Statement Tracker
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 681 KB)
J10 Mitigation and monitoring schedule
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F6.8.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.4: Seascape, landscape and Visual Resources Impact Assessment Methodology
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F6.5.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 5.6: Offshore ornithology population viability analysis technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 70 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 3 (Figures 18.1 - 27.2)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 676 KB)
F7.8.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.4: Public Transport Network
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
J18 Outline Offshore Written Scheme of Investigation and Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1,009 KB)
J23 Outline Onshore Written Scheme of Investigation
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 424 KB)
J6 Safety Zone Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 25 MB)
F6.4.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 4.1: Marine Mammal Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 28 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 8 - Appendix C
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F6.8.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.2: Seascape and landscape character baseline technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 39 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 6 (Figures 38.4 - 46.2)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
B3 Works Plan - Onshore
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 30 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 4 (Figures 28.1 - 32.2)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F7.1.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 1.1: Aquifers, groundwater abstractions and ground conditions
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 752 KB)
F1.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 1, Chapter 2: Policy and legislative context
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F7.3.7 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.7: Reptile survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 13 MB)
F2.8 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 8: Seascape and visual resources
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 33 MB)
F6.8.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.3: Visual baseline technical report - Offshore development Appendix Part 1
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 36 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 2 (Figures 9.4 - 17.1)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
J26.7 Outline Flood Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
J26 Outline Code of Construction Practice
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
B16 Temporary stopping up of public rights of way plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 14 MB)
B1 Location Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
B14 Tree and Hedgerow Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F6.9.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 9.1: Marine Archaeology Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F7.8.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.5: Construction vehicle trip generation assumptions
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F8.3.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 8, Annex 3.1: Socio-economics technical impact report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 385 KB)
J14 Outline Vessel Traffic Management Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 560 KB)
J24 Outline Skills and Employment Plan
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 486 KB)
J1 Other Consents or Licences Required
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 476 KB)
J7 Biodiversity Benefit and Green Infrastructure Statement
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
F3.9 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 9: Noise and Vibration
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F4.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 4, Chapter 2: Climate change
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F7.7.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 7.1: Published soil and agricultural land classification data technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 38 MB)
F6.7.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 7.1: Navigational Risk Assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F7.2.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 2.1: Flood Consequences Assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F1 Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary - English
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F6.5.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 5.5: Offshore ornithology apportioning technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
F7.7.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 7.3: Published recreational resources plan technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
F2.7 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 7: Shipping and navigation
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
F3.7 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 7: Land use and recreation
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F7.1.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 1.2: Groundwater sources of supply – hydrogeological risk assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
F7.2.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 2.2: Surface watercourses and NRW Flood Zones
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 837 KB)
F6.8.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.1: Seascape and visual resources legislation and planning policy context
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
F1.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 1, Chapter 4: Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 942 KB)
F5.4.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 4.1: Site Selection Area of Search Identification
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
B4 Works Plan - Offshore and intertidal
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
F2.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 1: Physical Processes
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F2.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 6: Commercial fisheries
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 365 KB)
F5.3.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 3.2: Sulphur Hexafluoride Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
F7.3.9 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.9: Bat roost survey technical report (Part 2)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F2.10 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 10: Other Sea Users
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F4.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 4, Chapter 4: Human health assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F7.3.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.6: Aquatic Invertebrates Survey Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
F5.5.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 5.1: Cumulative effects screening matrix
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 53 MB)
F7.6.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.2: Landscape and seascape character baseline technical report Part 2
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 43 MB)
F7.6.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.5: Landscape visualisations Part 1 (Viewpoint 1 – Viewpoint 8)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F3.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 1: Geology, Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 41 MB)
F7.9.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 9.2: Construction noise and vibration technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 38 MB)
F7.5.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.3: Onshore geophysical survey report - Part 1
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 43 MB)
F7.5.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.3: Onshore geophysical survey report - Part 2
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F5.4.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 5.3: Onshore Crossing Schedule
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
F7.3.15 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.15: Fish and eel survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 9 MB)
F7.3.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.3: Great Crested Newt Survey Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 430 KB)
F7.5.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.2: Historic environment policy and guidance
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F6.2.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 2.2: Water Framework Directive Coastal Waters Assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 40 MB)
F7.3.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.1: Onshore ecology desk study technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F7.3.13 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.13: Hazel dormouse survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F7.2.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 2.4: Water Framework Directive surface water and groundwater assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 5 MB)
F7.3.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.4: Hedgerow survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F3.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 3: Onshore Ecology
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
F5.3.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 5, Annex 3.1: Underwater Sound Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F7.3.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.5: Terrestrial invertebrate survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 664 KB)
F2.11 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 11: Inter-related Effects - Offshore
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 69 MB)
F6.1.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 1.1: Physical processes technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 45 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 3 - Appendix B
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
F6.6.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 6.1: Commercial Fisheries Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 13 MB)
F7.3.10 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.10: Bat activity survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F6.5.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 5.3: Offshore ornithology collision risk modelling technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F7.3.14 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.14: National vegetation classification and invasive non-native species technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 21 MB)
F7.6.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.3: Visual baseline technical report - onshore development
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 45 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 7 - Appendix C
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F7.8.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.1: Description of network links and sensitivity
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 21 MB)
F7.3.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.2: Extended Phase 1 habitat survey technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F1 Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary - Welsh
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 39 MB)
F7.6.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.5: Landscape visualisations Part 3 (Viewpoint 16 – Viewpoint 30)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F2.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 3: Fish and shellfish ecology
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 38 MB)
F7.5.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.5: Trial Trenching Report - Part 1
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F7.5.7 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.7: Settings assessment (offshore infrastructure)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F1.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 1, Chapter 1: Introduction and overarching glossary
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F7.3.12 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.12: Badger survey technical report (Public)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 15 MB)
F7.4.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 4.2: Intertidal ornithology - wintering and migratory birds
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F7.5.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.4: Intertidal survey report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 44 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 4 - Appendix B
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 12 MB)
F6.3.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 3.1: Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 11 MB)
F7.5.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 5.1: Desk-based assessment
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 32 MB)
F6.8.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.3: Visual baseline technical report - Offshore development Appendix Part 2
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F6.8.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 6: Annex 8.3: Visual Baseline Technical Report - Offshore Development
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 77 KB)
F7.3.12 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.12: Badger survey technical report (Confidential)
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 468 KB)
F8.2.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 8, Annex 2.1: Greenhouse gas assessment technical report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 28 MB)
F6.5.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 5.1: Offshore Ornithology Baseline Characterisation Technical Report
Other |
Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F6.8.5 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.5: International and nationally designated landscape study
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F7.8.7 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.7: Traffic and transport figures
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F7.3.11 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 3.11: Otter survey technical report
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F7.6.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.2: Landscape and seascape character baseline technical report Part 1
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F7.9.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 9.3: Operation Noise Assessment
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 468 KB)
F8.2.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 8, Annex 2.2: Climate change risk assessment
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F6.5.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 5.4: Offshore ornithology migratory bird Collision Risk Modelling technical report
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 23 MB)
F7.4.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 4.3: Onshore ornithology – breeding birds technical report (Public)
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F2.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 2, Chapter 2: Benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 6 MB)
F3.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 2: Hydrology and flood risk
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 2 MB)
F3.8 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 8: Traffic and Transport
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 733 KB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 2 - Appendix A
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 42 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 6 - Appendix C
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 15 MB)
F7.9.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 9.1: Baseline Noise Survey
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 24 MB)
F8.1.1 Environmental Statement - Volume 8, Annex 1.1: Aviation and radar technical report
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 1
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 15 MB)
F7.6.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.6: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment Part 5 - Appendix B
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F3.10 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 10: Air quality
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 40 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 1 (Figures 1.1 - 9.3)
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 30 MB)
F7.8.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.2: Base traffic flows
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F3.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 4: Onshore and intertidal ornithology
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F4.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 4, Chapter 3: Socio-economics
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 47 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 5 (Figures 33.1 - 38.3)
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 3 MB)
F6.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 7 (Figures 47- 56)
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 10 MB)
F3.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 6: Landscape and visual resources
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 4 MB)
F7.6.4 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 6.4: Landscape, seascape and visual impact assessment methodology
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 619 KB)
F3.11 Environmental Statement - Volume 3, Chapter 11: Inter-related effects (onshore)
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 1,004 KB)
F7.8.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.3: Personal injury accident locations
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 7 MB)
F1.3 Environmental Statement - Volume 1, Chapter 3: Project Description
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 8 MB)
F7.7.2 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 7.2: Soil survey data technical report
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Mona Offshore Wind Limited (PDF, 717 KB)
F7.8.6 Environmental Statement - Volume 7, Annex 8.6: Traffic flows with construction traffic
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Sefton MBC (PDF, 99 KB)
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
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Wirral Council (PDF, 158 KB)
Adequacy of Consultation Representation