Mona Offshore Wind Farm

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Received 03 May 2024
From Territorial Sea Committee (Department of Infrastructure) (Territorial Sea Committee (Department of Infrastructure)) on behalf of Emily Curphey, Chair, Territorial Sea Committee, Isle of Man


The following comments are made on behalf of the Isle of Man Territorial Seas Committee: Benthic subtidal and intertidal ecology - Crogga and the Mooir Vannin windfarm developments occur within Manx territorial waters, but only Crogga appears to be identified as such. Acknowledging they’re Tier 1 and Tier 2, both operating under Manx jurisdiction should be specifically noted. Offshore ornithology - Welcome applicant’s decision to increase the air draught below the turbines. Note that the great black backed gull is an Isle of Man red list Bird of Conservation Concern, with a decline in the breeding population. While it’s (low) risk in general in the region, it may mask Isle of Man specific impacts. Commercial fisheries - Queries over “this receptor group almost exclusively operates out of ICES Rectangle 36E5” - is not accurate as these vessels also operate within the ICES 37 rectangles, but excluded from the study area. The statement of exclusive operation within ICES 36 rectangles is also used elsewhere (e.g. and may be similarly inaccurate. Shipping and navigation - Reiterate previous statements in respect of the importance of the Island’s lifeline shipping services and their preservation; avoidance of adverse impacts, including timing, frequency and reliability. Continued consideration of cumulative impacts and the interaction with the forthcoming Mooir Vannin is requested alongside other Round 4 projects. Continued direct engagement with the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company is essential. Transboundary Impacts Screening - Appears a contradiction in respect of Manx commercial fisheries (Table 1.1). Commercial fisheries should be scoped in transboundary assessment, recognised in and Commercial Fisheries Technical Report - Request the following: - The Fish and Shellfish ecology study area is significantly greater than the Commercial Fisheries study area. We previously requested expansion of the benthic, fish and shellfish and commercial fisheries study areas to better reflect ecological, jurisdictional or commercial boundaries. Accepted for the former two receptors but not the latter. - Correction to Figure 1.36 (queen scallop), since if this is not accurately scoped then the potential displacement effects on commercial fisheries will also not be adequately scoped. More information can be provided. - Previously requested vessels <15m be included within the dataset; this has not been updated. Unclear how a reasonable assessment of displacement or other impact effects can be estimated. - Queries over queen scallop fishing grounds and treatment of king and queen scallop grounds. Clarification can be provided. - It is still not apparent that adequate inclusion of the Bangor University scallop survey data has been undertaken. Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Report - Queries over king and queen scallop data sets. Clarification can be provided. Seascape Visualisations - Previously expressed concerns withdrawn provided the installed wind turbines are of the height shown in the visualisations. However, were there a change to larger turbines, then this would represent a cause for concern, particularly considering cumulative visual impact resulting from other developments. Aviation - Request continued engagement to ensure that any offshore wind farms does not compromise the safety of the Island’s air travel.