Mona Offshore Wind Farm

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

Mona Offshore Wind Farm

Received 03 May 2024
From Eni UK


Eni UK Limited (Eni UK) wishes to be registered as an interested party in the examination. Eni UK’s Liverpool Bay Development comprises oil and gas fields located in the Eastern Irish Sea, including infrastructure in the vicinity of the proposed Mona Wind Project. The Liverpool Bay oil and gas fields are approaching the end of their productive lives, following which Eni UK plans to reutilize three of the depleted gas fields as CO2 storage reservoirs, as part of the proposed HyNet North West Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) development. Simultaneously Eni UK plans to decommission all of the existing oil and gas infrastructure not required for the Hynet CCS development. Eni UK and the Applicant’s project activities will therefore be ongoing simultaneously in the Eastern Irish Sea, which forms the basis of Eni UK’s interested party registration. In this context, we have identified a range of issues which need further consideration as part of the application. These matters include (inter alia): 1. Timing and the potential for simultaneous operations to occur (SIMOPS) a. Cumulative impact of the Applicant’s proposed development and Eni’s activities ongoing simultaneously, potentially in close proximity, in the Eastern Irish Sea. b. Demand on local marine resources created by the Applicant’s proposed development. c. Potential synergies between Eni UK and the Applicant’s activities. d. A commitment by both parties to keep each other informed regarding project status. 2. Proximity of the Applicant’s proposed development to Eni UK’s infrastructure, including in particular the Conwy installation. An example is cable routing included in the Applicant’s proposed development. 3. The potential for overlap or interference in logistics activities, including: a. Diving activities b. Vessel traffic c. Survey activities d. Aviation 4. Stakeholder interests Eni UK looks forward to engaging constructively with the Applicant in relation to these and any other issues what may be identified during the application process. In the meantime, should the Examining Authority require any additional information from Eni UK, please contact myself at [email protected]. Yours faithfully Cath Jones