HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 14 June 2023
From Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council


CR 1 This is the representation of Cheshire West and Chester Council (”the Council”) to the Liverpool Bay CCS Limited (”the Applicant’s“) Change Request 1 in respect of the Applicant’s application for development consent for the Hynet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline DCO (“the Project”). The Council’s comments are raised in respect each change considered relevant to the Borough off Cheshire West and Chester. Proposed Change 4 - Extension of the Order Limits of Work No. 23 and addition of Plot no 9-14a, 9-16a, 9-16b, 9-18a, 9-18b and 9-19a, to the north to reduce the impact on veteran trees near Backford Brook (Applicant Reference: PS04). Below are the Councils biodiversity / ecology comments: It is noted that the technical appendices have been updated with general survey information, as well as information directly in relation to Change Request 1. The comments below are based on information relating to Change Request 1, Change number 4, only. Note that where there is more than one part to a document, only the first part has been referred to, unless there is a specific query with subsequent parts. [CR1-025] - Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D.6.1 Environmental Statement – Non-Technical Summary (Tracked Changes) - There looks to be no new information relating to the change request. No concerns are raised by the Council. [CR1-055] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.1 Habitats and Designated Sites (Tracked Changes) - It is noted that the document includes change request area 4, with similar habitats to the land adjacent, including semi-improved grassland, trees, ditch and hedgerow. No concerns are raised by the Council. [CR1-061] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.2 Great Crested Newt Survey Report (Tracked Changes) - There have been no changes in this document. There are no further ponds included due to the increase in area, than were previously considered. No concerns are raised by the Council. [CR1-063] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3 Bat Activity Survey (Tracked Changes) - The increase in the Order Limit for Change number 4 (near to T169 on Fig 9.3.2 Sheet 2 of 9), which includes further trees and hedgerows, does not seem to have been mapped within this report and there is no indication that the trees in this extended area have been surveyed for Bat roosts. The Council requires further tree and hedgerow survey data / mapping to be provided in the Bat Activity Survey. [CR1-067] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4 Bats and Hedgerows Assessment (Tracked Changes) (Part 1) - Change number 4 has been included for transect surveys, but not for trees, as above (Fig 9.3.3 Sheet 2 of 6). The Council requires that further tree survey data to be provided within the Bats and Hedgerows Assessment. [CR1-071] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.5 Badger Survey Report (Confidential) (Tracked Changes) - The figures for Change number 4 are not included in the report. The Council requires the missing Badger figures are provided / incorporated to be into the Badger Survey Report. [CR1-074] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6 Riparian Mammal Survey Report (Tracked Changes) (Part 1) - The area of ditch included within Change number 4 has been surveyed and no evidence was found. No concerns are raised by the Council. [CR1-077] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission - D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.7 Barn Owl Survey Report (Confidential) (Tracked Changes) - The figures for Change number 4 are not included in the report. The Council requires the missing Barn Owl figures to be provided in the Barn Owl Survey Report. [CR1-079] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.8 Bird Report (Tracked Changes) - There is no relevance to Change number 4, due to the limited area of extent. No concerns are raised by the Council. [CR1-081] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.9 Aquatic Ecology (Watercourses) Survey Report (Tracked Changes) - The area of ditch included within Change number 4 has been surveyed and no further action is required. No concerns are raised by the Council [CR1-057] Liverpool Bay CCS Limited Additional Submission D. Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.10 Aquatic Ecology (Ponds) Survey Report (Tracked Changes) - The area included within Change number 4 has been surveyed and no further pond surveys were required. No concerns are raised by the Council. Proposed Change 5 - Extension in construction working hours to include Saturday morning working (Applicant Reference PS05) The Councils response: In line with revised para 2.2.1 of the OCEMP [CR1-119] the Council has no objection to the extension of construction working hours to 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays. The Council notes that this change has not been reflected in Schedule 2, Requirement 13(1) of the dDCO at Change Request 1 [CR1-017] but has been subsequently updated in the most recent draft DCO [REP3-005]. Proposed Change 6 - Extension of the Order Limits at Work No. 3 to enable access to Ince AGI from the adopted highway (Applicant Reference PS06) The Councils response: Notwithstanding the Council’s previous comments raised in respect the impact of the access to Ince AGI upon the Protos Plastics Park (para 6.8 of the Council’s LIR [REP1A-002]) and upon Expansion of Encirc (Para 2.2.12 of the Council’s response to the Applicants’ comments on the Council’s LIR [REP3-044]), the Council has no further comment to make on this proposed change. Proposed Change 12 - Clarification of construction methodology to allow non-road mobile machinery to cross features at the surface of trenchless crossings (Applicant Reference PS15) The Councils response: The Council is not clear as to the need for this change and the Council would welcome clarification form the Applicant.
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