HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 14 June 2023
From United Utilities Water Limited


CR1 Notice of Proposal for Changes to the Accepted DCO Application (Change Request 1) Comments of United Utilities Water Limited (Registration ID 20034023) United Utilities Water Limited (UUW) has reviewed the detail of Change Request 1 which relates to 18 proposed changes to the DCO. In accordance with our previous submissions, any works within proximity to the assets of UUW must take place in accordance with our Standard Conditions for Works Adjacent to Pipelines (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Standard Conditions’). With respect to Change Request 1, we wish to note the following points. Change Request 1 Change 6 We note that a permanent access has been added to the North. This is an existing roadway. We would require information from the developer to show how the proposed works will comply with the ‘Standard Conditions’ of UUW, e.g., the loading of the existing road should not be exceeded. The assets of UUW which are affected are: • 12” CI Emptying Pipe from Ince Service Reservoir; • 350mm ST Raw Water Main; • 450mm ST Raw Water Main; and • 100mm CI Foul Water Sewer. Change 12 We note that this is a proposal for movement of non-road mobile machinery and there is no specific information given. As such, we would require more information of each proposed crossing location of our assets in order to be able to assess the impact on our infrastructure and advise on any mitigation that would be necessary. Change 16 We note that this is a diversion of a public right of way. We have a 700mm HPPE Raw Water Main nearby. Any works in the location of our asset would need to comply with the ‘Standard Conditions’ of UUW. In addition, access to our assets and the requisite offset distance from our assets would be required for maintenance, repair and replacement. Additional Observations and Comments for Consideration In addition to the above comments, we wish to make the following additional observations with respect to the recently submitted updated information. Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan • There is no explicit mention of the disposal strategy for surface water in this document. In accordance with our various discussions with the applicant, we wish to highlight that the hierarchy of drainage for the management of surface water should be applied to avoid a need to connect to the public sewer especially the public combined sewer. It is also critical that careful consideration is given to the connection point for any temporary foul connection that may be made during the construction process. We would not wish to see proposals for drainage to connect to wastewater catchments which are disproportionately sized compared with the proposed foul flows as this could have consequences on both the receiving wastewater treatment works and the receiving wastewater network. Careful consideration will therefore need to be given to the point of connection in liaison with UUW. This will be a particularly important consideration for those areas of the route that are rural / in open countryside which may be served by only small wastewater treatment works or where there is no existing wastewater infrastructure. For temporary related activities, such as construction compounds and workers accommodation, it may be necessary to consider on-site treatment. Environmental Statement (Volume II), Chapter 15 Noise and Vibration • There is no explicit mention of buried services. There are potential environmental impacts associated with discoloured water, a loss of water supply or flooding associated with vibration of water mains and there is the potential for pollution and / or flooding associated with the vibration of sewers or rising mains. This should be considered in accordance with BS 5228 parts 1 and 2 2009 (referenced in the chapter) and the ‘Standard Conditions’ of UUW. Environmental Statement (Volume III), Appendix 15.3 Noise and Vibration Assessment Results • The predicted vibration levels shown in tables 12 and 13 could present a risk if undertaken in proximity to the assets of UUW and will need to be assessed as noted above. Protective Provisions UUW is in the process of preparing a set of Protective Provisions which we hope to agree with the applicant and submit to the Examination for inclusion with the proposed Development Consent Order as soon as possible.