HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 19 December 2022
From 2 Sisters Food Group


We have a factory (as Tenant) at Glendale Avenue, Sandycroft Industrial Estate, Deeside, Clwyd, CH5 2QP and have received letters to our registered off in Wakefield of this development. We have had a call recently with WSP on this matter. In order to register, below are our (and our Landlords) concerns: Installation • Type of construction planned – trench cut or Horizontal Directional Drill or other? • What is the expected duration of construction? • Will the area of the site be considered to be Hynet or 2SFG controlled during the construction process? • Please confirm what SH&E resource Hynet will appoint to support the installation phase? • Please provide more information on the proposed installation (e.g. contents and associated risks, risk mitigation, inspection and maintenance arrangements post installation) • Will Hynet be communicating with neighbouring property beforehand and will it have a complaints management system? • Is there any existing service media beneath the land Hynet propose to take an option over? If so, how will this be affected? Liability • We cannot agree to the exclusion of consequential losses. If Hynet damaged our electric or water supply or if access was denied or some other incident caused us to stop production which was attributable to Hynet we would need to be fully compensated. • The limits of £5m each individual claim must exclude damage to buildings. • Please confirm over what period is the aggregate limit of £15m. Is it the 6 year period mentioned in the summary? If so we would require a higher aggregate limit. • We will require evidence of, and an undertaking, that Hynet have/will have Public Liability insurance policy in place throughout the period in question with a limit of indemnity of a minimum of £10M each and every claim (on the basis no buildings are to be impacted). Environmental • If Hynet cause significant pollution which impacts 2SFG’s permitted operations, 2SFG would require assurances from Hynet that this would be compensated for. • 2SFG operate the site under a NRW permit. We are investigating any impact on our permit with NRW and will revert in due course. We will need to seek confirmation from NRW in writing that 2SFG wouldn’t be held responsible for HyNet’s pollution whether within or outside of our permit/boundary and if this is not available we will need undertakings from Hynet we would be compensated for any points lost, fines or costs we incur as a result of their project. • If Hynet cause environmental damage, Hynet will be required to rectify the damage and also compensate 2SFG for any impact the damage and/or rectification works cause on 2SFG operations. • Please confirm the situation should Hynet identify contaminated land which makes the soil unsuitable for their pipeline. Who would be responsible for the remediation? Site • We would like to know exactly where the pipe is to be laid and whether any services or buildings are potentially impacted prior to entering the option. • Can surveys (both intrusive and non intrusive) be carried out on a ‘licence’ basis before grant of the option? • Is it possible to reduce the size of the option area to run as close to the boundary as possible? • We are concerned about the parking. This is not an accessible area with shift pattern workers and thus we are reliant on the parking. Hynet should arrange alternate parking arrangements for our staff which are satisfactory to 2SFG. If car parking space is lost then Hynet will need to find a suitable alternative location for the pipeline. • We cannot agree to include the yellow area as that is used as part of access – The current google satellite photo is out of date, the yellow highlighted area below is approximately where we have cut off the corner - this was done to accommodate fridge units. This is now concrete not grass. If this area is blocked the site will stop as we would not be able to move vehicles to and from Despatch. Storage Facility • Do Hynet need a storage facility? If so, this can only be on a temporary basis. Costs • The £3000 Option Fee is too low and we need to discuss increasing this. • The land value of £11,500 per square metre is incorrect and needs to be increased. Thanks Legal, 2 Sisters Food Group