HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

The views expressed in this page do not represent those of the Planning Inspectorate. This page consists of content submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the public and other interested parties, giving their views of this proposal.

HyNet Carbon Dioxide Pipeline

Received 21 December 2022
From Helen Louise Eadon-Sinkinson


I am a property owner on (Redacted), Pentre and the proposed route of the pipeline will run under the road directly in front of the property. I have particular concerns about why the pipeline needs to run through this section of road when the majority of the rest of the route is running through agricultural land. I would also like to know about the safety aspects of the close proximity of the pipeline to property and what the plan would be if an issue arose with the section of pipeline that runs under the road. This road is a main road and is used for access to both residential property and industrial estates. This also raises concerns about what negative impact the pipeline would have on property along (Redacted)