What happens next
A decision on the application for a Development Consent Order for Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage was taken on 08 March 2017.
Timeline (16 items)

A Decision Letter (PDF, 242 KB) and Amendment Order (PDF, 44 KB) have been issued by the Welsh Minister for Climate Change to make a non-material change to the Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Generating Station Development Consent Order 2017 (PDF, 632 KB)

Natural Resources Wales has provided further information (PDF, 137 KB) in response to the Welsh Governments letter of 24 November 2023.

The Applicant has provided further information (PDF, 5 MB) in response to the Welsh Governments letter of 15 November 2023.
The Welsh Government has asked for further information from Natural Resources Wales (PDF, 128 KB) in relation to additional information submitted by the Applicant.

Representations received in response to the application for a non-material change to the made Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Development Consent Order have been published.
The Welsh Government has asked for further information from Snowdonia Pumped Hydro Limited (PDF, 176 KB) in relation to the representation from Natural Resources Wales.

An application for a non-material change to the Glyn Rhonwy Pumped Storage Development Consent Order has been made by Snowdonia Pumped Hydro Limited.
If you wish to make a representation, this should be emailed to [email protected] or posted to:
The Glyn Rhonwy Case Team
The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
The deadline for receipt of representations is 10 November 2023

The examination documents relating to this project have been archived and are no longer available on this site. The Secretary of State’s decision (PDF, 405 KB) and Development Consent Order (PDF, 632 KB) can be viewed on the Documents tab.
To find out where to view the Certified Documents please refer to the contact details set out in the Explanatory Note of the Development Consent Order.

Five years after the Secretary of State’s decision is issued, all remaining published documents associated with an application are removed from the National Infrastructure Planning website, with the exception of the following which are retained in line with our document retention policy:
- The Secretary of State’s decision notice and statement of reasons;
- If made, the Development Consent Order;
- The Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report and associated appendices;
- Any documents relating to material/non-material change applications;
- Any correction notices; and
- All section 51 advice issued in respect of an application.
As such, the purpose of this banner is to highlight that we will shortly remove all documents, except those listed above.

- Preliminary Meeting takes place
- Examination begins