Wrexham Energy Centre
Comments received in favour of the Wrexham Energy Centre proposed application.
Advice given
We appreciate being informed about comments on the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and we will keep your correspondence within on our record. Please note however that the pre-application stage is mainly driven by the applicant who carries out its consultation with the local community in order to shape the scheme before it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
Once the application is formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and if it is accepted for the examination, there will be an opportunity for everyone to register as an interested party ?IP?. In order to become such an IP you will be asked to provide your comments by submitting the relevant representation. The purpose of the relevant representation is to express your views directly to the appointed Examining Authority ?ExA? to be considered during the examination.
For more information on how the process works and other related topics, please see our Advice Notes 8.1 -8.5 available from the link below:
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