Wrexham Energy Centre
Dear Tracey,
I am writing to inform you of my objections to the above named proposed power station. As a local resident I am strongly opposed to this and feel many statements made by Wrexham Power are false. My opposition is listed below:-
The intended gas power station plan for Wrexham Industrial Estate has changed its plans as they struggled to get the first option through. They have just completed the public consultation process and planning applications are due to go in during the coming months. Very worringly there images in their brochure/publication have obviously been altered/distorted (size of surrounding building made smaller to make power station look not as big and straight road made to look like a junction-again distorting the size of the power station). Obviously, as local residents we are strongly opposed to this and I am wondering if you could help.
I am writing to inform you of my objections to the above named proposed power station. As a local resident I am strongly opposed to this and feel many statements made by Wrexham Power are false. My opposition is listed below:-
1. Very worryingly-images obviously altered/distorted in brochure/publication to make Power Station seem smaller. (this has to be a black mark against them, I would call it fraud).
2. The land has a small wood which is the only one in the near vacinity.
3. This wood has various wildlife which would be destroyed or move away. (newts, otters and badgers to name but a few).
4. The areas visual enjoyment would be spoilt.
5. This wood also provides the only area where local school children can play safely.
6. Local residents use this wood to walk their dogs.
7. Wrexham Power say Wrexham requires more power. Not true-Wales already produces more power than it uses.
8. There are many recently closed facilities around the UK that would make alot more sense to use.
9. Wrexham Power claims this facility will provide jobs for local people. Once the plant is built there will only be 30 specialist jobs so workers will be brought in from outside the area.
10. The risk of pollution (noise, smell and smoke) affecting the local villages.
12. This area is not a part of Wrexham Industrial Estate.
13. There are numerous other areas within Wrexham Industrial Estate that are more suitable that would not spoil our environment.
Thank you very much
Richard Williams
Advice given
Dear Mr Wills,
Thank you for your email sent to the Case Manager Tracey Williams 25th July which outlined your concerns over the proposed Wrexham Power Station. Tracey is on leave at present and I am Case Officer for this project.
At this stage (Pre-Application), the applicant is currently taking part in Statutory Consultation activities, which requires them under S47 of the 2008 Planning Act to consult with the local community and are statutorily required to show due regard to any views submitted relating to the consultation material and to demonstrate this in any future application to us . We therefore advise you to submit your views directly to the applicant via one of the following options:
? A freepost address for written responses: Wrexham Power Limited,
Local Dialogue, FREEPOST NAT3717, London SE1 2BR
? A Freephone project information line staffed during working hours:
0800 319 6185
? A project email address: [email protected]
? An online comment form hosted on the project website. attachment 1
The applicant?s Statement of Community Consultation also describes how they will consult with the local community and how you can access documents relating to the application: attachment 2.
This document can also be found on their website.
Once the application is submitted, if it is accepted for examination, a ?Relevant Representation? period will open where you will have the opportunity to submit a further representation of your views directly to the Planning Inspectorate by registering as an Interested Party for this project. This also means that you will be invited to attend hearings and be kept informed throughout the Examination stage.
For updates on the proposed Wrexham Industrial Estate Power Station please refer to the project page on our website: attachment 3
If you have any queries on any aspect of the planning process please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely,
Louise Evans
Case Officer
Major Applications and Plans
Room 3/18 Eagle Wing, The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN
Direct Line: 0303 444 5698
Helpline: 0303 444 5000
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PINSgov